Policy Committee
The Policy Committee of the Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) assists the Council in identifying and prioritizing emerging issues related to the Sustainable Forest Resources Act, in particular in fulfilling its statutory mandate to "advise the Governor and federal, state, county, and local governments on sustainable forest resources policies and practices" (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 89A.03, Subd 2).
In priority order, the Policy Committee will:
- Help advance and focus the discussion of the forest policy issues selected by MFRC identifying and prioritizing strategic issues.
- Monitor and review implementation of the inter0related provisions of the Sustainable Forest Resources Act (Minnesota Statute, Chapter 89A) and bring to the attention of the MRFC, or its appropriate Committees, concerns or opportunities regarding its overall effectiveness.
- Bring to the attention of the MFRC trends in ecological, economic, and social factors that may affect Minnesota forests.
- Identify opportunities for collaboration with the Research Advisory Committee.
Meeting Summaries
Rick Horton, Chair
Pete Aube
Kim Berns-Melhus
Kory Cease
Mike Kilgore
Linda Kingery
Jim Manolis
Amber Ellering, DNR Forestry Division
Craig Engwall, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
Tom Hall, U.S. Forest Service
Brendan Jordan, Great Plains Institute
Bob Owens, secondary wood products manufacturer