Personnel and Finance Committee
The Personnel and Finance Committee provides leadership and direction to the MFRC with regard to personnel and finance matters as described in the Sustainable Forest Resources Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 89A.03, Subd.4; 89A.06, Subd. 3). This includes;
- Overseeing work of the MFRC Executive Director.
- Ensuring that the Interagency Information Cooperative (IIC) fulfills its purpose with adequate funding, staffing and interagency coordination. The purpose of the IIC is defined in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 89A.09.
- Preparing Council budget requests to the Minnesota Legislature.
- Assuring that Council budget requests include sufficient resources to carry out the Council’s mission.
- Monitoring Council budget expenditures and approving expenditures $5,000 or greater.
- Advising the Council Chair on issues of concern and bearing to the body politic.
- Advising the Council Chair and the MFRC staff on MFRC meeting agendas.
Staff Liaison: Executive Director, and Information Specialist
2021 - 2023 Strategic Plan
Meeting Summaries
Pete Aube, Chair
Kim Berns-Melhus
Rick Horton
Mike Kilgore
Jim Manolis
Patty Thielen