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Video Visitation

Video visitation is available at all DOC facilities. This allows people to visit an inmate from any location with a computer that has a camera. To participate in a video visit with an inmate, a person must be on the inmate's approved visitors list. To schedule a video visit, go to If the visitor has not already done so, he or she will have to establish an account with JPay. 

  • The length of a video visit is 15 minutes and costs $3.50.
  • Video visits can be scheduled on the whole and half hour. Each facility has different video visiting schedules. The JPay website will direct you to the open visit times for your loved one's living unit.
  • By policy, incarcerated people may only receive two video visits per week.  

For friends and family who do not have the necessary equipment to conduct a video visit (see below) or their loved one is not eligible for video visits, videograms are an excellent alternative. A videogram is a 30-second video that can be recorded with a smartphone and sent to an inmate electronically. The cost is 4 stamps ($1.60). For additional information on videograms, click here:

Video visitation is a privilege for incarcerated people and some are not eligible for video visits because of current visiting restrictions or disciplinary status. Each incarcerated person should know whether he or she is eligible to receive video visits. It is also a privilege for friends and family that can be suspended for misconduct.

Video visiting scheduling is unique to each facility and each living unit. The JPay website is set up so you can only schedule a visit when the kiosk is available in the inmate's living unit. That does not mean, however, that the inmate is available. It is best to check with the inmate you are visiting to agree upon a time before you schedule.

All video visits are recorded and subject to monitoring. Video visits can be terminated for incarcerated people or visitor misconduct and no refund will be given. Incarcerated people and visitors can also lose video visiting privileges if they violate the rules.

Joining a video visitation

Scheduling a video visitation

Testing a webcam for a video visitation

Troubleshooting video visitations

Video visitation FAQs

Video Visitation Rules

How does the video visitation system work?
The system connects the offender in his or her living unit to the visitor on a computer. Participants can see and hear each other throughout the visit. The visitor must use a computer that has a camera and sound.

How often can I video visit?
Video visits do not count against an incarcerated person's visiting hours. How often you visit is limited by the availability of the kiosk in the living unit and their schedule.

When can I video visit?
Each living unit in each facility can have a different video visiting schedule. When you log into the JPay website and select the inmate that you want to visit, the available times will be displayed. However, you should still check with the incarcerated person to see if he or she is available at that time.

How long is a video visit?
15 minutes

How much does a video visit cost?

Click Here for Information About Sending Videograms

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