Information Resources
The financial reporting section of our site contains public reports with financial information about insurance companies in Minnesota, financial examination reports, summaries of financial statements and loss ratio data. Click on one of the subcategories in the left navigation bar to find the financial data you need.
Financial Exam Reports
Explore the Document Search tool, where you can find Financial Examination Reports dating back to 2002.
Financial Statement Summaries
If you are interested in reviewing summary financial information about licensed or authorized insurers you can review the annual Insurance Supplements. The supplements contain summary, unaudited information.
Definitions (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
Containing definitions of terms used in the summary reports.
Life and Health Insurers (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
Summary financial information for Life and Health insurers, including HMOs, doing business in Minnesota.
Property and Casualty Insurers (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
Summary financial information for Property and Casualty insurers doing business in Minnesota, includes foreign and domestic insurers.
Township Mutuals (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
Summary financial information for Township Mutuals, insurers licensed to write certain types of business, within a certain geographic area, generally a township or county.
Other Insurers (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
Summary financial information for accredited reinsurers for life and P & C, foreign and alien surplus lines, and foreign risk retention groups.
Annual Insurance Supplement (.pdf) (updated October 2023)
2021 financial summaries for all types of insurance companies doing business in Minnesota.
Financial Statements
You can find financial statements in the Document Search tool. In the drop down menu, select the item titled "Insurance Financial Statements."
Medical Loss Ratio Reports
These annual reports show the percent of health plan premiums that were spent on claim costs by Insurance Companies, Nonprofit Health Service Plan Corporations and Health Maintenance Organizations in the Individual and Small Employer Health Plan Markets.
Each year, the Minnesota Department of Commerce and the Minnesota Department of Health work collaboratively on an annual Medical Loss Ratio report. The most recent reports can be found here:
- 2021 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2020 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2019 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2018 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2017 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2016 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2015 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2014 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
- 2013 Medical Loss Ratio Report (.pdf)
Guaranteed Renewability Report
In 2013, the Minnesota legislature directed the Department of Commerce to study Minnesota Statute 62A.65, which requires guaranteed renewability of health plans in the individual insurance market.
Guaranteed Renewability Report on Minnesota (.pdf) | January 31, 2014
Definitions of terms used in the summary reports.
Domestic Company: An insurer formed under the laws of Minnesota.
Foreign Company: An insurer formed under the laws of a state or territory of the United States, other than Minnesota.
Alien Company: An insurer formed under the laws of a country other than the United States.
Accredited Reinsurer: An insurer which is not licensed in Minnesota, but which is accredited to reinsure business written by domestic companies.
Township Mutual: An insurer which is licensed to write certain types of business, within a certain geographic area, generally a township or county.
Surplus Lines Company: An insurer, which is recognized as eligible to write business which is generally not available from licensed insurers.
Risk Retention Group: An insurer chartered and licensed in its state of domicile to write only liability insurance. It may become registered in other states, however, it differs from a licensed insurer, or surplus lines company, in that Federal law, to a large extent, prohibits state, other than the state of domicile, from financial regulation of a risk retention group.