Temporary Permits

Military members and spouses: See instead Temporary Military License/Certification Application.

What Is a Temporary Permit?

MN Rule 1800.0900, Subpart 7 and MN  Statute 326.13, clause (1) define the conditions under which you may seek a temporary permit and the permit application requirements. Temporary permits are only granted to individuals who meet the requirements for application by comity/EEE in Minnesota and who demonstrate need.

A temporary permit allows a qualified individual to accept and undertake a project in the state when the time between the offer of work and the commencement of work is so short that, following the regular license application process, a license may not be approved by the Board in time (see Board meeting schedule).

Temporary permits are project specific. A temporary permit does not grant the individual the right to undertake (or solicit) any other project than the one listed on the permit application (until full licensure is granted).


Who Can Apply

Individuals licensed or certified in a jurisdiction recognized by the Board and who would otherwise qualify for licensure by comity/EEE may apply for a temporary permit, if circumstances require one and if their profession is one of the following:

  • Architect
  • Professional Engineer
  • Professional Geologist
  • Professional Soil Scientist
  • Certified Interior Designer

NOTE: Architects with no disciplinary action whose “blue” NCARB Records reflect Minnesota's licensure requirements and professional engineers who are designated as a “Model Law Engineer (MLE)” in their NCEES Records are already expedited through the licensing process. Check your professional records with these organizations to confirm your status. If you hold these qualifications, you may prefer to submit just the appropriate comity application and forego applying for a temporary permit, as your license, if approved, could be issued in nearly the same time frame as would the temporary permit.


How to Apply

Applicants must submit together the temporary permit application and the application for licensure by comity for their profession. See "Relevant Forms" section on this page. Applicants must include with those applications both the $120 license fee and the comity application fee (found on that form). In the event that your application is denied, the $120 license fee (only) is refunded.


About the Permit

If approved, the Board issues you a permit which you must sign and return to the Board within five days. Retain a signed copy for your records. Permits expire 60 days from the date listed on the permit or as soon as you receive your license number/card—whichever comes first. Permits cannot be renewed. As noted above, temporary permits are project specific. Holding a permit does not allow you to undertake or solicit additional projects.

Stay Connected

Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design (AELSLAGID)
85 E. 7th Place Suite 160, St. Paul MN 55101 USA

 8:00 am–4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
 (651) 296-2388
 TTY (800) 627-3529
 Staff Directory


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