Landscape Architecture

Get Licensed in Minnesota

Seeking initial licensure as a landscape architect?
Find below information on the education, examination, experience requirements, as well as application details and forms.

Already licensed in another state?
See the sidebar "Licensure by Comity (Reciprocal Licensure)."

For general application information relevant to all professions, see Get Licensed.

Initial Licensure

Education Overview

In order to sit for the required exam (see below) and eventually become licensed, you must meet one of several education paths detailed in MN Rules 1800.1500, Subp. 3, including graduation from an LAAB- or LAAC-accredited baccalaureate or masters degree program.
Find an LAAB Accredited Degree Program

If your degree is from a foreign institution (and is not LAAC-accredited), you must have your education evaluated. Request a Course-by-Course Evaluation. The original evaluation report must be sent directly from the evaluation service to the Minnesota Board, either by US mail or electronically.
Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)

For details on the above, see the license application (below) or MN Rule 1800.1500.


Experience Overview

Applicants for licensure must provide evidence that you meet the qualifying experience requirements. Qualifying experience consists of varied, progressive, nonrepetitive, practical experience in landscape architecture work and must be obtained under and verified by a licensed landscape architect. A limited amount of experience may be verified by a licensed architect or professional engineer. How much experience you need depends upon the type of education you earned. See MN Rule 1800.1500 Subp. 4-6 for experience requirement details.

Once ready to apply to the Board, you can use the Experience Verification form, which is part of the online application, to report your experience. Through the application, you create a customize form for each supervisor verifying your experience that you then send to them. The completed form must be sent by the supervisor(s) directly to the Board. An example of a completed Experience Verification form is in the Additional Resources section.

Alternately, you may choose to establish a Council Record with the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) to submit, record and verify your experience and education information.
About Creating a CLARB Council Record


Examination Overview

Applicants must pass all sections  of the Landscape Architect Registration Examination (LARE).

Examination Application, Deadlines, & Cost

Apply directly to CLARB to sit for the exam. CLARB offers the LARE three times a year over a two-week period in April, August and December. See their website for more information on dates, deadlines and fees. Exam fees are set by and paid to CLARB.

How to Register for the LARE


Licensure Overview

Initial License Application

After passing all sections of the LARE exam, use the online landscape architecture license application to obtain your license.

You must also have your scores sent to Minnesota as part of the application process. Go to the CLARB website and request CLARB  "transmit your record" to Minnesota. use the Online Landscape Architecture license application to obtain your license. Contact CLARB for questions regarding this process.

See the Instructions Overview for more information on how to apply online.

ONLINE Landscape Architect License Application


License Application Deadline

You may apply for licensure at any time after you have completed the education, experience and examination requirements summarized above. Applications are reviewed no later than 60 days from the date the Board receives all required documentation to complete the application.


License Application Cost

Licensure applicants must pay a $75 application fee to the Board.

If your application is approved, the Board will notify you by mail. You will be instructed how to apply for your license. The license fee is $120.

Note: You are not licensed and cannot practice or hold out as licensed until the Board processes your license.

Regardless of when obtained, your license expires June 30th of every even-numbered year.


Additional Resources


Professional News

CLARB Offers LARE Study Reference List

Stay Connected

Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design (AELSLAGID)
85 E. 7th Place Suite 160, St. Paul MN 55101 USA

 8:00 am–4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
 (651) 296-2388
 TTY (800) 627-3529
 Staff Directory


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