Professional Soil Science

Get Licensed in Minnesota

Seeking initial licensure as a professional soil scientist?
Find below information on the education, examination, experience requirements, as well as application details and forms.

Already licensed in another state?
See the sidebar "Licensure by Comity (Reciprocal Licensure)."

For general application information relevant to all professions, see Get Licensed.


Initial Licensure

What's My Path to an SSIT Certificate?

You may now register direct with CSSE/SSSA to sit for the Fundamentals of Soil Science (FSS) Exam. If you specify Minnesota as your jurisdiction when you register, you may if you choose after passing the exam apply to the Board for the Soil Scientist-in Training (SSIT) designation. You will be required to present evidence that you meet the education requirement in MN Rule 1800.3910, Subp 5(B). An overview of SSIT education requirements is available.

Soil Scientist-in-Training (SSIT) ONLINE Application

While you must pass the Fundamentals of Soil Science Exam, as a requirement for licensure, the SSIT designation itself is not a requirement for licensure. Continue reading for information on the education, experience, and examination requirements for licensure.


Education Overview

To sit for the Principles of Soil Science (PSS) Exam and gain licensure, you must hold a bachelor's or higher degree in soil science or a bachelor's degree that includes a miniumum number of equivalent soil science credits.

If you hold a foreign degree, you must have your education evaluated. Request a Course-by-Course Evaluation. This evaluation type is required; other evaluation types will not be accepted. The original evaluation report must be sent directly from the evaluation service to the Minnesota Board, either by US mail or electronically.
Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)

For details on the above, see the (PSS) application (below) or MN Rule 1800.3910, Subp. 5(B).


Experience Overview

When you apply for the PSS Exam, you must provide evidence that you meet the qualifying experience requirements. Qualifying experience consists of varied, progressive, nonrepetitive, practical experience in soil science and must be verified by a licensed geologist or soil scientist or by a licensed professional engineer who has qualified education and experience in the soil science discipline. See MN Rule 1800.3910 Subp 6 for details.

How much experience you need depends upon the type of education you earned. See MN Rule 1800.3910 Subp. 3(B) for details. Use the Experience Reference form, which is part of the PSS Application Form packet to document your experience. You must customize and send a copy to every supervisor verifying your experience. The completed form must be sent by the supervisor directly to the Board.


Examination Overview

In most instances, applicants must first pass the FSS Exam and then the PSS to be considered for licensure. Both exams are developed by the Council of Soil Science Examiners (CSSE), a committee of the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).

Examination Application

If you have not yet passed the FSS exam, register directly with CSSE (no Board application required). Contact CSSE for all registration details.

To register for the PSS exam and approval for licensure, use the Board application below:

Practice of Soil Science (PSS) Exam Application


Exam Appli­cation Deadlines

The FSS and PSS exams are computer-based and administered by remote proctoring for the exam administrator, CSSE/SSSA.

  • For the FSS, register directly to CSSE/SSSA, as described above. 
  • For the PSS apply first to the Board and for a particular administration. The Board will approve you to sit, at which time you can register with CSSE/SSSA. You must re-apply to the Board if you do not then sit for the administration for which you were approved.
PSS Exam Window Board Appli­cation Dead­line CSSE Exam Regis­tration Window
02/05/2025 – 02/19/2025 CLOSEDN/A
04/02/2025 – 04/16/202501/30/202502/26/2025 – 03/24/2025
08/06/2025 – 08/20/202506/06/202507/02/2025 – 07/28/2025
11/05/2025 – 11/19/202509/05/202510/01/2025 – 10/27/2025


Examination Costs

Exam Board Appli­cation Fee CSSE Exam Fee
PSS $75Contact CSSE


Next Steps After the Exams

After Passing the FSS Exam

If you registered with CSSE as a Minnesota candidate and want a Soil Scientist-In-Training (SSIT) number, complete the online application at the top of this page

If you have completed your required experience and education , you can apply to sit for the PSS Exam.


After Passing the PSS

Once you pass the PSS exam, you will be instructed by mail how to apply for your license. The license fee is $120.

Note: You are not licensed and cannot practice or hold out as licensed until the Board processes your license.

Regardless of when obtained, your license expires June 30th of every even-numbered year.


Additional Resources

Stay Connected

Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience and Interior Design (AELSLAGID)
85 E. 7th Place Suite 160, St. Paul MN 55101 USA

 8:00 am–4:30 pm, Monday-Friday
 (651) 296-2388
 TTY (800) 627-3529
 Staff Directory


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