The MFRC commissioned an update to our 2002 Forestry Bottleneck Analysis to measure the importance of the forest products and tourism sectors. This analysis, conducted by region, examined the current position of these sectors in northern Minnesota. The study found that although most of the forest products sectors declined over the past ten years, they continue to be the most important economic drivers in northern Minnesota. The hospitality sectors have remained relatively stable over the past decade. The current report, Northern Minnesota Forestry Analysis, is available online.
In 2008, the MFRC provided funding to a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota and the USDA Forest Service to address several key knowledge gaps regarding the impacts of biomass harvesting on critical ecosystem components, including deadwood-dependent (saproxylic) organisms, native plant communities, and nutrient availability. The recent report, Impacts woody biomass harvesting on saproxylic communities, nutrient availability, and productivity in aspen ecosystems, is available online.
Recent fluctuations in Minnesota’s stumpage market have raised concern about the policies, procedures, and contract provisions associated with Minnesota’s timber sale programs on public land. In 2006, the Governor’s Task Force on the Competitiveness of Minnesota’s Primary Forest Products Industry recommended that funds be appropriated to the RAC to provide direction on best practices for setting up and administering timber sales on public lands. The recent report, A National Review of State Timber Sale Programs and an Analysis of Factors Influencing Minnesota Stumpage Prices, is available online.