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Council Programs

The Sustainable Forest Resources Act established a number of innovative programs to promote the sustained use and enjoyment of the state’s forest resources. The SFRA recognizes a broad range of forest resource values ranging from outdoor recreation to wildlife and from timber to aesthetics. Similarly, SFRA program initiatives reflect diverse interests in the use, management and protection of the state’s extensive and very diverse forest landscape.

Landscape-Level Management Program

Landscape-level planning and coordination is a model for forest resources management that looks at the forest across large areas, landscapes, bridging land ownership and forest types. Central to this program is the establishment of regional committees to solicit the input of diverse forest resource interests within a particular landscape.

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Forest Policy

The primary role of the MFRC is to advise the governor and legislature as well as federal, state, and local agencies on sustainable forest policies and practices. In fulfilling this role, the MFRC identifies and addresses key policy issues related to the sustainable management of Minnesota's forests. 

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Site-level Forest Management Program

Sustainable forest management must be able to support forest-based economic opportunities, yet also maintain forest habitats for ecological functions and societal values. Our contribution to supporting this duality is the Site-Level Timber Harvesting and Forest Management Guidelines which recommend ways to harvest trees with limited impacts to forest functions and values.

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Forest Resources Research

The Research Advisory Committee conducted an assessment of the current status of forest resources research in the state and an identification of important forest research needs, which are published in the report, Priority Research to Sustain Minnesota’s Forest Resources. Additional forestry research efforts by the council have focused on these and other topics:

  • Northern Minnesota Forestry Analysis
  • Key knowledge gaps regarding impacts of biomass harvesting on ecosystem components
  • Factors influencing willingness to pay for public stumpage

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Public Concerns Registration

The Public Concerns Registration Process was developed by the council to provide citizens of Minnesota with the means to register their concerns and communicate observations about local forest practices. Most commonly this includes registering threats to water quality and soils.

Please fill out and submit our online submission form or call our telephone line at 1-888-234-3702. Your submissions should include as much information as possible about your concern regarding the specific timber harvesting or forest management activities you see.

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