Landscape Advisory Committee
The Landscape Advisory Committee provides overall leadership and direction to the MFRC's Landscape Program as described in the Sustainable Forest Resources Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 89A.06).
This includes action toward the following Council purposes (89A.03 Subd. 2):
- Foster no net loss of forest land in Minnesota.
- Encourage appropriate mixes of forest cover types and age classes within landscapes to promote biological diversity and viable forest-dependent fish and wildlife habitats.
- Encourage collaboration and coordination with multiple constituencies in planning and managing the forest resources within the state.
The committee will perform the following activities to achieve the Council's mission and goals.
- Support regional landscape goals and implementation activities through the MFRC as appropriate to the Legislature and Governor for the sustainable management, use, and protection of the forest resources within the state.
- Inform Council members on the benefits of regional landscape committee's ability to facilitate collaboration and information sharing.
- Articulate region-specific, landscape-level priorities with metrics to monitor and communicate Council needs to regional landscape committees.
- Review regional landscape plans and implementation activities.
- Recommend approval and/or modification of landscape plans to MFRC.
- Develop policy recommendations to PIC and MFRC as necessary to implement landscape goals in the State.
- Develop a budget and funding strategy for the Landscape program to support cross-boundary management efforts.
Meeting Summaries
Michael Stansberry, Chair
Dale Gentry
Scott Johnson
Rick Horton, MFI
Jim Manolis
Deb Theisen
Doug Tillma, DNR