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Sustainable Forest Policy

The primary role of the MFRC is to advise the governor; legislature; and federal, state, and local agencies on sustainable forest policies and practices. In fulfilling this role, the MFRC identifies and addresses key policy issues related to the sustainable management of Minnesota's forests. We have recently identified three priority issues:

  • Forest health, quality and productivity
  • Health of the forest products industry
  • Water quality and forests

Within the context of these issues, the MFRC has continued to refine its focus to address specific topics, including invasive species policy and management, promotion of forest products and employment, and awareness of the connections between forested landscapes and water quality.

The MFRC has also recently focused on the competiveness of the forest products industry, forestland property tax policy, climate change, and forest management and habitat, among other topics. The MFRC will continue to revisit these issues and lay a foundation for a strategic focus for years to come.

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