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About Us

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) is a 17-member board created to develop policy recommendations to the Governor and federal, state, and local governments and to encourage the adoption of sustainable forest management policies and practices.  Council members  represent a wide range of forest resource interests and hold  public meetings  every other month to discuss key issues.

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For over 25 years, the council has played an integral role in depoliticizing complex forest issues and helping Minnesota's citizens, lawmakers, and forest professionals make sound decisions regarding the stewardship of public and private forest lands. The council acts as a catalyst for new landscape-level cooperative models and championing long-term ecosystem integrity.

Unlike a traditional state agency, the council fulfills its charge under the Sustainable Forest Resources Act, by developing recommendations related to "forest resource policies and practices that result in the sustainable management, use, and protection of the state's forest resources." This unique model of cooperation among diverse interests gives all Minnesotans an opportunity to care for their forests ensuring economic, ecological, and social sustainability.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Minnesota Forest Resources Council is to develop recommendations that result in the sustainable management of Minnesota’s forest resources while protecting the balance of long-term economic, ecological, and social forest values in accordance with the Sustainable Forest Resources Act (Minnesota Statutes 89A.03).

Our Vision

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council is a recognized leader that promotes sustainable forest policies and practices and works collaboratively to ensure ecosystems thrive, the human spirit is fed, and forest products and services meet societal needs today and into the future.

Our Shared Belief

The Minnesota Forest Resources Council recognizes that cooperation and collaboration between public and private sectors is critical to sustainably managing the state's forest resources. It values and respects individuals’ and organizations’ perspectives on the management, use, and protection of forests.

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