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Service of Process

Service of Process


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Serving a summons or complaint on an insurance company

Minnesota Statutes § 45.028 sets forth the service of process when a legal action alleges a violation of Minnesota Statutes Chapters 45-83, 155A, 309, 332, or section 326B.802.  Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 45.028, subdivision 2, the following procedures apply:

  1. Serve process on the insurance company by certified mail.
    • You may email us to obtain the contact name and address of the insurance company or its resident agent. You must provide the name(s) of the specific insurance company(ies) you wish to serve.
  2. Personally deliver, or send the Department of Commerce via certified mail, a copy of the Summons and Complaint, using the address below:
    • Minnesota Department of Commerce
      Enforcement Division
      85 7th Place East, Suite 280
      Saint Paul, MN 55101
  3. File the original Affidavit of Compliance with the court where the case is filed by the appropriate deadline. The Department does not create or provide affidavits.

Please note: The Department does not forward service of process to the insurance company.

The Department retains hardcopies of the summons and complaints for one year. After one year, the physical files are destroyed pursuant to our record retention schedule. However, an electronic record of the service is kept indefinitely.

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