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What is Medigap?

Get Help with Medicare

Phone: Call 1-800-MEDICARE, available 24/7
Minnesota Senior LinkAge Line
Call 800-333-2433 for free help with Medicare in Minnesota, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

File a Complaint

Do you have a concern or complaint about Medicare Supplement, Medicare Cost or Medicare Select insurance? Have you been targeted for Medicare fraud or a Medicare scam? Contact Commerce’s Enforcement Division: 

File a complaint online
Email Commerce
Call: 651-539-1600

Medigap is health insurance that:

  • Is sold by private insurance companies to supplement Original Medicare.
  • Helps pay coinsurance, copayments and some deductibles for Medicare-covered services.
  • May cover certain costs not covered by Original Medicare, such as medical care needed while traveling outside of the U.S.
  • Covers the coinsurance for drugs covered under Part B, but not Part D.
  • May cover certain additional mandated benefits, such as cancer screenings, reconstructive surgery, vaccinations and diabetic supplies.
  • May cover some services not covered by Original Medicare, such as an annual physical and medical care outside the U.S.

Enrollment timing

  • It is best to enroll during your initial six-month Medigap Open Enrollment Period.
    • This period begins on the first day of the month you are enrolled in Part B and ends six months later.
    • If you enroll during this period, the insurance company is required to sell you a policy.
  • If you apply for a policy outside the six-month open enrollment period, you will likely be asked to complete a health questionnaire by the insurance company and your application may be denied.
  • You will get another six-month open enrollment period, if you return to work, drop your Part B, and then re-enroll in Medicare.
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