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Strategic Plan Process

FINAL Strategic Plan INFOGRAPHICTo shape the Council's future and determine the strategic plan and mission for the following four years, we followed the below steps. To see these as a full-size infographic, click here


We gathered input from Asian Pacific communities, and leaders in both the executive and legislative branches of state government.

Their invaluable input helped set the course of our Council's work the next four years. 


  • Fall 2016
    • Key Legislators & Commissioners Survey. Gathered input from key leaders in the executive and legislative branches.
    • Community Forums—Metro. Held three meetings in the Metro for the purpose of gathering community input.
  • Summer 2017
    • Board Strategic Planning. Considered key constituency groups' input, and drafted Council goals and strategies.
  • Fall 2017
    • Community Forums—Greater Minnesota. Held three meetings in Greater Minnesota for the purpose of gathering community input.
  • Winter 2017
    • Board and Consultant Coordination. Finalized Council Strategic Plan.


Council mission: "The Council works toward economic, social, legal, and political equality for Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander (API) heritage."

The Strategic Plan was adopted by the Council board in January 2018. 

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