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Board Committees

Broad participation on committees improves the chances that diverse expertise, interests, and perspectives will inform decision-making at the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans. Such participation distributes the workload, encourages greater accountability, and conveys the message that all staff and board members are committed to protecting the welfare of the entire community and advocate on their behalf.

Learn more about the committees:

Executive Committee

  • The Executive Committee develops internal procedures/processes and provides E.D. with direction on behalf of the Board. 

Special Projects Committee

  • The Special Projects Committee was established in July 2020 for the purpose of exploring opportunities to lead our community in conversations on race, racism, and equity, in light of the killing of George Floyd and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Events Committee

  • The Events Committee works closely with Council staff to execute and provide guidance on other matters pertinent to the success of the annual Asian Pacific Minnesotans Leadership Awards Dinner.
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