Mandated Policies
Policies 16 - 20 are mandated only if the subject matter of the policy applies to the agency.
The agency's policy for #16 and #20 must be identical or substantially similar to the POST model policy. Policies 17, 18, and 19 do not have model policies. The policy adopted by agencies that utilize the subject matter covered in these policies must include all of the required legislative requirements pertinent to that policy.
1. Use of Force Model Policy (doc)
MN Statute. 626.8452.1(1) (a)
2. Public Assembly/First Amendment Activity Model Policy (.doc)
Minn. Rules 6700.1615
3. Eyewitness Identification Procedures Model Policy (.doc)
4. Allegations of Misconduct Model Policy (.doc)
Minn. Rule 6700.2200
5. Professional Conduct of Peace Officers (Standards of Conduct) Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 626.8457
6. Domestic Abuse Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 629.342
7. Avoiding Racial Profiling Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 626.8471
8. Investigation of Sexual Assault Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 626.8442
9. Response to Reports of Missing & Endangered Persons Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 626.8454
10. Predatory Offender Registration Community Notification Model Policy (.doc)
MN Session Laws 1996, Chapter 408, Article 5, Section 7
11. Vehicle Pursuits Model Policy (.doc)
12. Criminal Conduct on School Buses Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 169.4581
13. Lighting Exemption of Law Enforcement Vehicles Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 169.541
14. Administrative Forfeitures Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 609.531
15. Confidential Informants Model Policy (.doc)
MN Statute. 626.8476
16. Supervision of Part-time Licensed Peace Officers Model Policy (.doc)
Minn. Rule 6700.1110
17. Automated License Plate Reader Policy
MN Statute 626.8472
18. Portable Recording Systems Policy
MN Statute. 626.8473
19. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Policy
20. New SRO Model Policy (.doc)
Model Procedures