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Course Submission


†  A “Sponsor” is a law enforcement agency, school, individual, or organization that has received authority from the board to provide board-approved courses for continuing education credit.

·         Every sponsor must have established written procedures for the investigation and resolution of allegations of classroom discrimination.

·         Information on becoming a POST Board approved course sponsor can be found on the Continuing Education webpage under, “Becoming a Course Sponsor.” 

†  Courses submitted for approval must be law enforcement related, based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be a peace officer, and meet a law enforcement educational need.

†  No approval will be granted unless the sponsor submits information required by the board at least ten (10) days before commencement of the proposed course.  Days are defined by POST as business days and exclude weekends and holidays. 

†  The course re-approval process has changed.

·         All previously POST approved courses that are expired or are expiring must be submitted to POST for evaluation as new course approval submissions. 

·         POST will not take into account the fact that a course has been previously approved.  Every course submission will be evaluated on its own merit. 

†  All course approvals submissions must be sent via email to:  POST does not accept mailed or faxed course approval submissions.  

†  Only one course may be submitted per email and each required document must be a separate attachment.





MN RULES 6700.0900

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