The CanRenew grant application is now open. The deadline to apply is March 24 by 11:59 p.m. CDT. Individuals may apply using the online CanRenew Grant application form. For more information, visit the CanRenew Grant webpage.
CanGrow Grant applications will be released in 2025. All application details, including deadlines and submission requirements, will be posted on the OCM website once available.
Both grant programs will be available statewide. Eligible projects can be implemented in any part of Minnesota, as long as projects meet program criteria.
Grant amounts will vary depending on the specific program. Please refer to the CanRenew and CanGrow program guidelines for detailed funding information.
Refer to the CanRenew Grant page to find the request for proposal, grant checklist, and other helpful resources. Grant requirements for the CanGrow grant will be available on our website when the application process opens. In the meantime, you can refer to Minnesota Statutes, section 342.73 to learn more about CanGrow guidelines.
We won’t know specific number of grants awarded until applications have been submitted and evaluated. In terms of program dollar amounts, the CanRenew program has $1 million in available funding, and the CanGrow program has $2 million. Administrative costs are capped at 3%, with the remaining funds available to be awarded as grants.
Immigration status is not requested as part of the application process.
Out-of-state applicants can apply as long as their investments are made in Minnesota. Both nonprofit and for-profit organizations can apply, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
The CanRenew grant application is open until March 24, 11:59 p.m. CDT. Programmatic partnerships and collaborations between organizations are eligible and encouraged to apply. The proposal must identify a lead fiscal agent who is responsible for the administration of the grant. Sub-awards are not allowed with this grant. The lead fiscal agent or organization can be any of the following: Non-profit organizations, federally recognized Tribes, educational institutions, units of local government, private businesses, community groups, and partnerships between different types of organizations.
Proposals are actively encouraged from organizations that can make an investment in Minnesota communities where long-term residents are eligible to be social equity applicants as defined by Minnesota Statutes, section 342.17.
Watch the OCM website for updates on when CanGrow Grant applications will open.
Grants are awarded to organizations, not to individual applicants. However, organizations that serve individuals impacted by the criminal justice system are eligible to apply.
The grants are awarded to organizations, not individuals. However, the programs are designed to support investments in communities with long-term residents who are eligible social equity applicants.
Organizations can apply for these grants; individuals benefit from them.
Organizations eligible for CanRenew and CanGrow grants include:
The disability community can benefit from both programs. CanRenew can support investments in communities with social equity eligible residents, and these communities and the needs addressed in the grants can support people with disabilities. CanGrow offers technical assistance and loan support specifically for Minnesota farmers and this can include farmers who are disabled.
For the CanRenew program, funds must be used in eligible Minnesota communities identified as social equity areas. For CanGrow, priority is given to organizations that work in these eligible communities; however, residency in the area is not required. Additionally, priority consideration is extended to farmers who may reside in social equity areas but operate their business in another location. This information is collected and assessed by the grantees, as they are responsible for screening farmers for lending opportunities.
CanGrow Revolving Loan Grants can be used to support businesses owned by farmers entering the legal cannabis industry. Private businesses may apply for CanRenew funding for community investment projects in social equity areas. They may also apply for CanGrow Technical Assistance Grants as long as the businesses are providing technical assistance to farmers.
Funds will be disbursed according to the project timeline and budget outlined in the grant agreement. The grants are processed on a reimbursement basis: upfront funding is not provided. Funds will be disbursed once all documentation is received and follow state processes. Applicants can expect a schedule upon approval, which will assist in planning cash flow.
For CanRenew grants, there will be a one-year grant period, with a start date of approximately June 30, 2025. Grants will need to begin operating within 90 days of award notice. The notice will be announced in the spring of 2025.