Shortly after getting certified, you will receive an email from the Office of Cannabis Management's Medical Cannabis Registry. Check your junk or spam folder if you do not see this email in your regular inbox. Read the instructions carefully and click the link in the email to begin your Medical Cannabis Registry enrollment.
After you submit your application, the Office of Cannabis Management will let you know by email when your enrollment has been approved (processing can take up to 30 days) or if we need additional documentation from you.
Certifications are good for 90 days. A patient must submit a complete enrollment application and get it approved within this 90-day window; otherwise, their certification will expire.
If your enrollment application gets approved within 90 days of certification, you will be enrolled in the program for three years.
If your certification expires, you must contact your health care practitioner to get recertified, or submit a new veteran certification form if you are a veteran. Once you are recertified, you will receive another enrollment email with your application link and have another 90 days to get your enrollment approved.
Each patient, caregiver, parent/legal guardian/spouse, and health care provider must have a different email address for their Registry account. Email addresses cannot be shared by multiple accounts. One parent/legal guardian can share the email address of a patient who is their minor child.
First, you must get recertified by a participating health care practitioner, or submit a new veteran certification form if you are a veteran.
After you are recertified, you will receive an enrollment email with your application link. Complete or update your application.
The Office of Cannabis Management processes all applications in the order they are received. It can take up to 30 days for review. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email that states your enrollment in the program is extended for another year.
You can re-enroll as early as 90 days before your enrollment expires.
The Office of Cannabis Management can take up to 30 days to process applications for the program. Requesting status updates takes time away from processing applications. Know that we are working hard to process them as fast as we can.
You will receive an email when your application is approved. All applications are processed in the order they are received.
We will contact you by email or phone if you submitted an incomplete application.
The Office of Cannabis Management will send you an approval email that contains instructions and links for completing your Patient Self-evaluation and contacting a Medical Cannabis Dispensary so you can make an appointment to pick up your medicine.
You can add a caregiver to your account (using a different email address from your own). Your caregiver will receive an email with a link to complete a short enrollment form.
*Background checks are no longer required for caregivers, effective July 1, 2024.
You can add a parent, legal guardian, or spouse to your account when you first enroll or any time after you have been approved. People registered in this category are NOT required to complete a background check.
NOTE: The following documentation is required.
For parent or legal guardian: Copy of their government-issued photo ID, patient's birth certificate or legal guardianship papers.
For spouse: Copy of their government-issued photo ID and marriage certificate.
We do not issue medical cannabis cards. Patients who want proof of participating in the program (for instance, to show an employer) can print a verification document.
To access your document, log in to your Registry account. From the patient home page, click on "Registry Verification Document" under the Quick Links area on your home page.
We do not review or approve Patient Self-evaluations. Medical Cannabis Dispensary staff use them to determine which medicine(s) would work best for a patient with your condition(s) and medications.
The automatic extension was provided only to patients who meet the following criteria:
“Pending Status": Patient has been recertified by health care practitioner and has completed reenrollment in the medical cannabis registry, including uploading proof documents.
Patient’s last application was approved on or after July 1, 2023.
The automatic extension adds an additional two years to a patient’s initial enrollment period and will include the full three year enrollment period upon staff review of documentation.
The Minnesota Legislature updated the law governing patient enrollment periods, which now states that patients need only be certified and apply for enrollment once every three years, rather than annually.
The purpose of this automatic extension is to comply with the new law and provide an avenue for patients to access their necessary medical cannabis faster without extended application processing times.
This automatic extension will not apply to individuals who do not meet the following criteria:
Patient not in “Pending Status”:
If a patient has not been recertified by their health care practitioner, they are unable to reenroll in the medical cannabis registry. Without a patient reenrolling, OCM has no way of determining whether a patient would like to continue to be a part of the medical cannabis program.
Patient’s last application was received before July 1, 2023:
Patient would not have been in “Approved” status on the date the law took effect.
In terms of benefitting a specific qualifying medical condition, patients should talk to their health care practitioner or Medical Cannabis Dispensary pharmacist for guidance. Some patients may get immediate symptom relief by smoking medical cannabis, although the effects may wear off quickly.
Yes. The sale of smokable cannabis is limited to registered patients and caregivers who are 21 years or older. Proof of age will be required when picking up smokable medical cannabis.
You cannot smoke medical cannabis in public places where smoking commercial tobacco is restricted. For additional information, go to Guidance on Where to Use Medical Cannabis.
Patients should talk to their health care practitioner or their pharmacist to determine if smokable medical cannabis is right for them. Patients should weigh the risks versus benefits. Research on the use of medical cannabis is limited, and scientists continue to learn how cannabis may help or harm people. For additional guidance, go to Is Dried Cannabis Flower Right for You?
Patients should carry their medical cannabis in the package in which it was originally dispensed, with a label showing their name and date of birth for law enforcement to verify.
The use or possession of cannabis purchased from a source other than the two state-registered manufacturers is not entitled to the protections of Minnesota's medical cannabis laws. Your use and possession of medical cannabis is only legal in Minnesota if purchased from Leafline Labs (RISE) or Vireo Health of Minnesota (Green Goods). Purchases from other medical cannabis programs in other states or from other sources are not allowed under Minnesota law.
No. The federal law prohibits crossing state lines with cannabis, even if you are traveling to another state where cannabis is legal. Moreover, the protections Minnesota law offers to Medical Cannabis Program participants do not extend beyond Minnesota's borders. If you are enrolled in the program, you should not take your medical cannabis with you to another state or country.
Cannabis is a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law. Federal law prohibits anyone who uses an "unlawful" substance, including medical cannabis, from purchasing a firearm. In 2011, the federal U.S. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Division (ATFE) stated medical cannabis users were not entitled to exercise their right to bear arms because of the federal government's prohibition of cannabis. Citing cannabis' status as a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law, the agency said: "[T]here are no exceptions in federal law for marijuana purportedly used for medicinal purposes, even if such use is sanctioned by state law."
The Minnesota Department of Health does not regulate the possession or purchase of firearms and therefore cannot say how the federal prohibition will be enforced. Specific questions about these federal firearm restrictions should be directed to your attorney or the appropriate law enforcement agency.
CDL drivers are subject to extensive state and federal regulation, including federal Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing. DOT drug and alcohol testing rules apply to every person who operates a commercial motor vehicle in interstate or intrastate commerce. A DOT regulation (49 CFR 383) requires DOT agencies to implement drug and alcohol testing of safety-sensitive transportation employees. Medical cannabis, even if legal under state law, is an illegal drug under federal law. The DOT says enrollment in a state medical cannabis program is not a valid medical explanation if a transportation employee tests positive for any prohibited drug. Therefore, federal law prohibits the use of medical cannabis by CDL-covered individuals.
To get started, go to Medical Cannabis Registry and click the "Login" button then "Forgot Your Password?"
You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password. Your password must be at least 8 characters long and use at least one number or symbol.
After you enter your new password, you will be notified that the password was successfully reset. You can now log in using your new password.
If you receive an error message, follow these steps: If your email address is already filled in, delete it, and type it back in and enter the new password.
Before contacting the Office of Medical Cannabis, please review the following suggestions. If you are unable to log in to the Registry, try to:
Use a different computer browser (Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) from the one you are using.
Clear the browser history.
Log out of the Registry, then shut down and restart your computer.
Reset your password by clicking on "Forgot Your Password?" on the login page. A password reset link will be sent to the email address on file. You have 24 hours to reset the password.
Type in your full email address rather than allowing the computer to fill in the email address for you.
Home cultivation on behalf of medical cannabis patients
Under Minnesota Statutes, section 342.09, subdivision 2, up to eight cannabis plants—with no more than four being mature, flowering plants—may be grown in a single residence without a license. Home cultivation must only take place at the primary residence of an individual age 21 or older and in an enclosed, locked space that is not open to public view.
Yes. As a result of the 2024 legislative session, a registered designated caregiver who is at least 21 years old may cultivate cannabis plants on behalf of a patient enrolled in the Minnesota medical cannabis program. The caregiver may grow up to eight cannabis plants for one patient household. If a patient requests their caregiver to grow cannabis plants their behalf, the patient must reassign their right to home cultivation to their registered caregiver. Upon reassignment of these rights, the patient is prohibited from cultivating cannabis plants for personal use.
Patients wishing to reassign their right to home cultivation to their registered designated caregiver should contact the Division of Medical Cannabis by sending an email to
If a registered designated caregiver is cultivating cannabis plants on behalf of a patient, the caregiver may have up to eight plants for the patient and eight plants for the caregiver’s personal adult use for a total of 16 plants. Of the total plant count, up to eight may be mature, flowering plants.
Per Minnesota law, a registered designated caregiver may grow up to eight cannabis plants per patient household that the registered designated caregiver is approved to assist with obtaining medical cannabis flower. The caregiver may not grow more than eight plants on behalf of a patient household, even if there are multiple patients residing in one household. That caregiver would also be able to grow up to eight plants for their own personal adult use.
Under current law, patients who reside in the same residence count as one patient. A caregiver may cultivate on behalf of multiple patients, but only if those patients reside in the same household, and only eight plants may be grown for that household. While a caregiver may care for multiple patients in more than one household, at no time may a caregiver cultivate for more than one patient household or have more than 16 plants, only eight of which may be on behalf of the patient household.
Information on becoming a registered designated caregiver for a patient enrolled in the Minnesota medical cannabis program can be found on OCM’s website at How to Become a Caregiver.