As OCM continues implementing the launch of the adult-use cannabis licensing framework, we are working to build a database of partnerships with local units of government across the state as we prepare for the regulation, enforcement, and compliance work of the licensing framework. To prepare for the successful implementation of zoning compliance certification and local retail registration processes, each local unit of government should:
Minnesota’s cannabis law includes the process for local retail registration, which is distinct of the licensure process run by OCM. Each business conducting retail sales of cannabis is required to hold a business license AND a local retail registration. This process is determined by each local unit of government. The law allows cities and townships to delegate this authority to the county. By completing the “Local Unit of Government Cannabis Licensing and Delegation Form” form linked above, cities and townships are completing the requirement to notify OCM as to whether they are retaining or delegating their local retail registration authority. By completing the Contact and Delegation form, local units of government are also helping to establish the necessary pathways for coordination with the regulatory division of OCM as we prepare for the launch of new licensees and implement compliance and enforcement mechanisms, like the expedited complaint process.
In order to complete the zoning compliance verification check, OCM needs to be able to communicate with local units of government and request certification on an application. This will occur in the licensing software system, Accela. By registering for an Accela account, the local unit of government is preparing for the required zoning compliance verification check. The "Point of Contact" identified in the "Local Unit of Government Cannabis Licensing and Delegation Form" should correspond with the person managing the Accela account on behalf of the local unit of government. If a local unit of government with zoning authority does not create an Accela account, the verification of zoning compliance cannot be completed and the licensing process may continue without approval of the local unit of government.
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act: The person or persons who are identified by the local unit of government may have access to nonpublic data on applicants. This data is shared under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subd. 9 and section 342.13. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03, subd. 4, the local unit of government agrees to treat all data accessed related to an application is treated with the same classification as the classification assigned by OCM. The person or persons identified agrees to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.