Developmental Disabilities Links
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Studies, Research and Training
Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA): Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) is a group that has trainings in the form of webinars and conferences, and posts research resources about assistive technology on their website. Their free e-newsletter covers assistive technology news, as well as upcoming webinars and conferences.
Minnesota STAR Program: Minnesota STAR Program's mission is to help all Minnesotans with disabilities gain access to and acquire the assistive technology they need to live, learn, work and play. STAR (A System of Technology to Achieve Results) and their partners provide device demonstrations, short-term loans, device reuse opportunities, and can help Minnesotans identify statewide resources that may provide funding for or loans of assistive technology.
The Right Door For Everyone: Universal Design Resources – Universal design can be thought of as the broad spectrum of concepts for the creation of products, buildings and environments that feature accessibility for people who have disabilities as well as those who do not.
Tools For Your Future – Assistive technology is a broad term that includes a wide range of devices for people with disabilities. Assistive technology promotes greater independence by helping people complete tasks that they could not do on their own, or had great difficulty doing. This page is the gateway for you to learn more about assistive technology and how it can help you, a family member, or coworker, or friend live a more fulfilling life.
The Eye Patch Kids: A DVD designed for parents whose children need to wear eye patches, and for the kids who need to wear them but would rather not.
The Full Life Ahead Foundation provides assistance, support, and training for parents of children with developmental disabilities with a focus on transition planning for their sons and daughters as they become more independent and move into adult life.
A Guide to Keeping Children Safe Online presents the three most important things all children should learn about the Internet and rules for parents to guide their children about smartphone and tablet safety, Internet speak, and how to minimize risk exposure.
Kids.Net.Au is a search engine just for kids.
The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE) is a national association that is dedicated to ensuring that all children and adolescents with special needs receive the best education possible. NAPCSE serves the interest of parents with children in special education by giving them numerous resources within the field of special education. By having an association that they can truly call their own, parents with children in special education now have an association that is completely devoted to their needs. NAPCSE advances and strengthens its community through networking, research, publications, and membership benefits.
The The Center for Parent Information and Resources provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals. Their special focus is children and youth (birth to age 22). "If you have children with disabilities and don't know where to turn for assistance, make this your first stop."
Pathways Center: IPSII, Inc. is a nonprofit organization comprised of people with disabilities and their families. Under a youth leadership grant from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, IPSII, Inc. offers a leadership training program for young African American youth to increase their opportunities for employment. An online youth center, "Pathways Center," explains the program and provides links to other information and resources of interest to young adults with developmental disabilities.
Special Needs Family Friendly Fun – enhancing the quality and fun of family life with special needs.
The mission of the Access Center for Independent Living (ACIL) is to ensure that people with disabilities have full and complete access to the community in which they reside.
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is the largest national nonprofit cross-disability member organization in the United States, dedicated to ensuring economic self-sufficiency and political empowerment for the more than 56 million Americans with disabilities.
Arc Minnesota – Advocacy and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
The Arc of the United States – The national organization of and for people with mental retardation and related disabilities and their families.
The Community Imperative – In 1979, the Center on Human Policy at Syracuse University wrote The Community Imperative, a declaration supporting the right of all people with disabilities to community living. The Center has reissued The Community Imperative in 2000 and invites endorsements from individuals and organizations. provides general information on education, special education, transition and related policy issues.
Partners in Policymaking® – Partners in Policymaking is a leadership preparation course for disabled adults (including those with learning disabilities) and parents of disabled children (including those with learning disabilities) up to school leaving age.
TASH is an international association of people with disabilities, their family members, other advocates, and professionals fighting for a society in which inclusion of all people in all aspects of society is the norm.
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is the leading source of information on cerebral palsy and is a pivotal advocate for the rights of persons with any disability.
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law – Legal advocacy for the civil rights and human dignity of people with mental disability.
The Law Engine – "Providing the best on-line law sources in a single-page format."
LawHelpMN – A broad range of topics with resources for general information, your legal rights, and the law and the courts; a list of Legal Aid Fact Sheets; and Fact Sheets under broad topic headings.
The Minnesota Disability Law Center addresses the unique legal needs of persons with disabilities. MDLC is designated as the state's protection and advocacy system for persons with disabilities in Minnesota, and receives federal funds for that purpose.
The National Health Law Program (NHeLP) provides extensive information on health care law affecting low-income people. The site is updated daily with health law news, legislative analysis, and health law Internet links
Resources for Other Disability Related Laws – A list of Disability law resources found on the Rocky Mountain ADA Technical Assistance Center site, which provides information on the Americans with Disabilities Act to Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education – Helping parents and educators create solutions that improve results for students with disabilities.
Gentle Teaching – a nonviolent approach for helping children and adults with special needs.
A Guide to Visual Disabilities – A higher education guide for students with visual disabilities. The guide also includes a broad range of technology tools and devices for successful learning.
The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE) is a national association that is dedicated to ensuring that all children and adolescents with special needs receive the best education possible.
The National Association of School Psychologists – Promoting educationally and psychologically healthy environments for all children and youth.
The Office of Special Education Programs – OSEP's mission and organization focus on the free appropriate public education of children and youth with disabilities from birth through age 21.
Online Bachelor's in Special Education – For anyone interested in a career in special education, a bachelor's degree is the first step. Online courses are available in most states and many schools offer a hybrid option - both online and on campus requirements. Learn how to match your interests with programs that are available.
Online Master's in Special Education – Many online courses are available and programs partner with local schools or organizations t provider field experience and internship opportunities. Find out what factors should be considered when selecting a program and a specialization you may want to pursue.
Online Doctorate Degree in Special Education – Two doctorate level special education degrees are available -the focus on one is research and the other on practice. Learn about the differences and the time commitment to earn a doctorate degree (here.
Online Schools and Colleges in Minnesota – Online schools and programs are available throughout Minnesota. The two largest regionally accredited online colleges in the country, Walden University and Capella University, are located in Minnesota. Online course enrollments are increasing as are the range of courses available and alternatives to the traditional classroom.
The Special Ed Advocate ( is a free online newsletter about special education legal issues, cases, tactics and strategy, effective educational methods, and Internet links
Special Education News covers breaking news in grades K-12. provides helpful information to both parents of children with disabilities and teachers about the early intervention process, how to establish a parent-teacher partnership, and collaborating on an IEP.
The Whole Schooling Consortium is an international network of schools, teachers, parents, administrators, university faculty and community members whose purpose is to promote excellence and equity in schools throughout the world to build inclusive and democratic societies.
Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities: – An overview of the rights of students with disabilities who are transitioning to college, examples of university policies about accommodations, tips on finding the right school, and general resources.
The Administration on Disabilities works with states, communities, and partners in the disability networks to increase the independence, productivity, and community integration of individuals with disabilities.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – The Medicaid, Medicare and Child Health Insurance Agency.
A List of Federal Agencies on the Internet – Provided by Louisiana State University.
The Federal Register – Official Federal Government information.
The Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State has a home page link to "Open Appointments" under "Special Services."
Minnesota State Council on Disability – Collaborates, advocates, advises, and provides information to expand opportunities and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities.
Minnesota State Register is published weekly and includes Minnesota rules, official notices, professional, technical and consulting contracts, State grants and loans.
The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities.
Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Mental Retardation – Assists with concerns and complaints about services; and questions about rights, grievances, access to appropriate services; and ideas for improving services for people receiving care and treatment for mental, developmental, chemical and emotional disabilities.
The President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities – The PCPID acts in an advisory capacity to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on matters relating to programs and services for persons with mental retardation.
"Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities" is an online course provided by the US Department of Justice that explains how the ADA applies to businesses.
The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with disabilities. This resource includes an overview of employment supports and how they help people with disabilities, and a section on health care and Medicaid protections for people with disabilities who are working or want to work.
The Social Security Disability Resource Center: The goal of this site is to make it easy for individuals and their families to understand their rights, what they are entitled to, and how to qualify for benefits.
The White House – The new White House web site features a more current design and more user-friendly features than the previous site, as well as accessibility features and compliance with the W3C Web Accessibility guidelines.
The While House and Disabilities – Take a tour of the West Wing in American Sign Language; become familiar with federal laws, programs, and Supreme Court decisions that affect individuals with disabilities; learn some of the history of the White House; and appreciate some of the arts and cultural that came to be identified with the administration of President Obama and his predecessors.
HEALTH Whenever a person or family is suddenly confronted with the world-changing experience of a catastrophic spinal cord injury or brain injury, there are a host of questions but seemingly few solid answers. was created as a knowledge-base for brain injury and spinal cord injury survivors to help answer these kinds of questions.
The Data Resource Center (DRC) for Child and Adolescent Health ( is an easy-to-use public website that eliminates barriers and reduces time and resources needed to obtain key findings on the health and health care of children, youth, and families.
Health Resource Guide: Fitness, nutrition, and overall health are all interrelated. This Guide offers a number of tips and tools to increase awareness about being healthy and staying healthy, and ideas for activities to get a daily dose of exercise. What you eat does contribute to how you feel.
Health, Safety, and Wellness for Teens: Becoming a teenager and moving through your teen years can be difficult. Paying close attention to your physical health, mental health, and personal safety can help you to successfully make your way into an adulthood and a future that is full of potential.
Mesothelioma Cancer Center is committed to providing the latest, up-to-date information to our visitors in the hopes of spreading awareness about the dangers of asbestos cancer. This website offers a one-stop resource on all asbestos issues ranging from occupational exposure, options for a mesothelioma treatment, and a complete list of doctors if you have received a mesothelioma prognosis. As the leading asbestos and mesothelioma resource, offers more than 3,000 pages of the most comprehensive and cutting edge information on the web.
Sleeping Well in the Digital Age: Shortly after three American scientists won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work on circadian rhythms, Nurses@Georgetown, an online Masters Program in Nursing, created an infographic on the effect of screen time on sleep time. There is a relationship, a connection, between behavior and sleep quality and our internal clocks that regulate and impact our health. This infographic explains how excessive screen time disrupts those natural rhythms.
Independent Life Resources – A "World of Resources" for persons with disAbilities, Senior Citizens, and Those Who Care! Categorized easy-to-use directories, articles, news, care-provider and special education training materials, and consulting services.
Minnesota Association of Centers for Independent (MACIL) – Eight Centers for Independent Living in Minnesota provide information about independent living services and advocate for people with disabilities so they can live independently in communities of their choice.
Audacity Magazine is a news and entertainment magazine geared toward the disability community in the United States and the world.
"Citing Internet And Print Resources" from the Cornette Library. Information and the guidance to help you cite information, whether from the general Internet, in a subscription database, or a print source.
Day Training and Habilitation Programs (DT&Hs) are DHS licensed programs are located throughout the state. Many of these have more than one location.
The Disability Dictionary allows you to search more than 3500 disability-related terms. Includes thorough definitions of: disabilities & syndromes, disability organizations, medical terms, genetic terms, and more.
DO-IT Program – "Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology."
Inclusion Daily Express – A disability rights email news service with the latest information on community inclusion and self-determination.
NASDDDS Handbook on Inclusive Meetings and Presentations: This Handbook provides guidelines to help assure that self advocates can participate in meeting discussions and contribute in meaningful ways by expressing their own points of view.
What is Cyberbullying? An Overview for Students, Parents, and Teachers – Cyberbullying, first defined and used in 1998, and addressed in state laws in all 50 states, differs from traditional bullying in many respects. The signs and symptoms, why children and teen don't discuss it, examples, and statistics are included in this comprehensive guide.
The Council on Quality and Leadership is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of services and supports to people with disabilities. This is accomplished through its accreditation services, training programs, and research division.
Quality Mall at the University of Minnesota Research and Training Center on Community Living is a carefully selected collection of person-centered supports for people with developmental disabilities.
Transition Coalition – Information, support, and linkages for all people interested and involved in the transition of students with disabilities from school to adult life.
Circles Network is a national voluntary organization based around the key principles of Inclusion and Person Centered approaches. We provide unique personal support for people who are in danger of becoming socially excluded, or who are currently suffering the consequences of prior segregation and discrimination.
Dan Keplinger was the star of a documentary that won an Oscar for Best Documentary.
The Disability History Project is a community history project for disabled people to reclaim and share their exciting and rich history with the world. "… an online magazine that is geared specifically towards the Disabled Person. Not just a resource site but a magazine. One with articles about the human side of your disabilities."
Inclusion Press is a small independent press striving to produce readable, accessible, user-friendly books and resources about full inclusion in school, work, and community.
"When I Walk": A documentary that examines the physical and social impact of multiple sclerosis over several years by following a young man diagnosed with this disability, this film was an official selection of the 2013 Sundance Film Festival. The film trailer provides more information about the documentary.
Augsburg College, both Rochester and Rochester campuses, offers a Masters of Social Work (MSW) program. Full and part time programs are available. The MSW program is held on Friday evenings and Saturdays on an every other week schedule.
The Center on Human Policy (CHP) is a Syracuse University based policy, research, and advocacy organization involved in the national movement to insure the rights of people with disabilities.
The Council on Quality and Leadership is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of services and supports to people with disabilities. This is accomplished through its accreditation services, training programs, and research division.
HRSI (Human Services Research Institute) works to assist human service organizations and systems to develop support systems for children, adults, and families; enhance the participation of individuals and their families to shape policy and service practices; improve the capacity of systems, organizations, and individuals to cope with the changes in fiscal, administrative, and political realities; expand the use of research and evaluation to guide policy and practice.
The Perfect Invisible Victim: People with disabilities can be easy crime targets – they are taught to be compliant and may be unable to defend themselves or describe events or situations in detail. Crimes may go unreported, not investigated, and not prosecuted. People with disabilities do not have equal access to justice. This paper highlights these issues in an effort to increase awareness, address misconceptions about competency and witness credibility, and increase access to legal resources and attorneys.
The Society for Disability Studies is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization established to promote interdisciplinary research on humanistic and social scientific aspects of disability and chronic illness.
The World Institute on Disability (WID) is an international public policy center dedicated to carrying out cutting-edge research on disability issues and overcoming obstacles to independent living.