Year |
Document |
File Name |
1984 |
Priorities of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Jean K. Elder |
84-PAD-JKE |
1985 |
A National Profile of Changes in Services for Adults with DD, by Marvin Fifield and
Bryan Smith, produced by the Utah State UAF |
85-NPC-UAF |
1990 |
Report to Congress: A Summary of Reports Prepared by State DD Planning Councils – Independence, Productivity, and Integration for People with DD, submitted by Deborah McFadden, 1990. |
90-RTC-DMF |
1990 |
Forging a New Era: The 1990 Reports on People with DD, NADDC, May 1990 (Executive Summary). |
1990 |
Forging a New Era: The 1990 Reports on People with DD, NADDC, May 1990 |
1990 |
Inclusion A Brief Report from the 1990 Consumer Survey and Policy Data Sets; The Administration on Developmental Disabilities |
90-IAB-ADD |
1990 |
Empowerment: A Brief Report from the 1990 Consumer Survey and Policy Data Sets; The Administration on Developmental Disabilities |
90-EAB-ADD |
1991 |
Developmental Disabilities and the New Paradigm: Directions for the 1990s; McFadden, Burke |
91-DDN-MCB |
1977 |
Mental Disabilities: The State Role, published in State Government by
the Council of State Governments |
1980 |
How Federal DD Programs Are Working, by the US GAO, February 20, 1980 |
80-FPW-GAO |
1982 |
Unobligated Federal Funds in State Developmental Disability Programs: A Program Inspection, Office of the Inspector General Department of Health and Human Services, Region IV |
82-PIO-HHS |
1986 |
Re-Visioning DD Councils: New Opportunities in
the Middle Kingdom, by David B. Schwartz |
86-RDC-DBS |
1991 |
Thoughts on the Future for People with Developmental
Disabilities, H. Rutherford Turnbull, III, Esq. |
91-TFD-HRT |
1996 |
Expanding the Scope of Developmental Disabilities Councils: Implications for Texas, Texas Planning Council for Developmental
Disabilities |
96-TPC-TPC |
1996 |
A Study of the Impact and Implications of Expanding the Targeted Constituency of the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, Maryland DD Council |
96-MDC-MDC |