Task Forces on Commemorative Works
In June 2020, the Columbus statue on the Minnesota Capitol grounds was pulled down, without review or approval from a state entity. The state entity with jurisdiction over commemorative works decisions on the Capitol grounds is the Capitol Area and Architectural Planning Board (CAAPB), per MN Statute 15B.
Public discussion about the future of the Columbus statue ensued, with opinions ranging from return the statue to its pedestal, reinterpret/alter it, or remove it. The CAAPB reviewed its Commemorative Works rules to identify a formal procedure for determining the future of the Columbus statue. Those rules identified a clear process for adding new works, but lacked an identified process for reviewing requests to alter or remove existing works.
Minnesota Rules Chapter 2400 Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board, Part 2400.2705 identify the process for Commemorative Works review:
- Subpart 1. Monuments, memorials, and commemorative works states:
- “Monuments, memorials, and commemorative works structures must be approved for placement under Minnesota Statutes, section 15B.05, subdivision 3.MN Statute 15B.08, Subd. 3,”
- “Monuments, memorials, and commemorative works structures must be approved for placement under Minnesota Statutes, section 15B.05, subdivision 3.MN Statute 15B.08, Subd. 3,”
- And incorporates by reference
- “Commemorative Works in the Capitol Area: A Framework for Initiation, Evaluation and Implementations of Commemorative Works in the Capitol Area, May 1993”
Task Force Reports
The Board established two task forces in summer 2020, one to gather input from the public regarding what is memorialized at the State Capitol, and the other task force to recommend an amended process to handle requests to modify or remove monuments, memorials or works of art. Here are the reports of the two task forces:
Commemorative Works Review by the CAAP Board
The Board will consider and review amendments to the Commemorative Works rules over at least four (4) meetings:
- September 28, 2021 CAAPB Meeting – Overview of task force work
Dr. Gwen Westerman and Carl Crawford gave an overview of their task forces, the work they did, what they heard from members of the public, and topics addressed. Findings and recommendations from each task force will inform how review of and decisions about Commemorative Works might change.
- November 18, 2021 CAAPB Meeting – Engagement Results report; Proposed Amendments to Commemorative Works rules
The final report on findings from the Public Engagement Task Force will be presented. The proposed amendments to the Commemorative Works rules prepared by the Decision Process Task Force will be presented and discussed. Public comments on the Commemorative Works policy, gathered to date from the 60-day “Request for Comments” period will be shared.
- March 14, 2022 CAAPB Meeting – Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to Commemorative Works rules
The Board will host a public hearing on the proposed rule changes. The hearing (which will be either completely virtual or a hybrid of virtual and in-person) will be overseen by an Administration Law Judge and follow prescribed procedures for rulemaking hearings.
- Subsequent 2022 CAAPB Meeting(s) – Board review of Administrative Law Judge recommendation on the proposed Amendments to Commemorative Works rules, followed by a Board vote on an updated set of rules
The Board must follow the direction of the Administrative Law Judge to ensure that the rule language contains no legal defects.
Commemorative Works Rulemaking
Any updates to MN Rules 2400.2705 on Commemorative Works must occur through the state’s Rulemaking process. Rulemaking in Minnesota follows procedures prescribed in the Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act (APA), Minnesota Statutes, chapter 14 .
Commemorative Works Task Forces
On July 23, 2020, the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board initiated a process to review and consider amendments to the Commemorative Works policy under MN 2400.2705. The Board established two task forces, one to gather input from the public regarding what is memorialized on the Capitol grounds, and the other task force to recommend a process for handling requests to alter or remove existing monuments.
Decision Process Task Force
The Decision Process Task Force, chaired by Dr. Gwen Westerman, conducted a comprehensive review of CAAPB policies and procedures that relate to the addition, alteration, re-interpretation, or removal of monuments, memorials, and works of art on the Capitol grounds and in the State Capitol. The Task Force prepared recommendations on a decision-making process for the addition, alteration, or removal of monuments, memorials, and works of art on the Capitol grounds and in the State Capitol.
Deliverable – The task force submitted suggested amendments to the Commemorative Works decision process to CAAPB staff, who are reviewing it for clarity and implementation feasibility.
- Tuesday, August 15 (Time TBD) | Agenda Coming Soon
Participants (TBD)
Public engagement Task Force
The Public Engagement Task Force, chaired by Carl Crawford, convened conversations, and hosted an online survey for members of the public to share their thoughts on what the Capitol means to them, their experiences being at the Capitol, and their feedback on the monuments, memorials, and works of art on the Capitol grounds and in the interior of the State Capitol. The Task Force considered how the CAAPB can ensure proactive and meaningful public engagement in its decisions.
Deliverable – All engagement input from the online survey and focus group conversations is being organized and summarized in a final report and will be ready for Board review ahead of the November 18, 2021 CAAPB meeting. Key messages will be highlighted and reviewed for consistency with suggested updates to the Commemorative Works rules.
Past Meetings
Part 1: Tues., Nov. 30, 2020 (1 pm) | Live Stream | Agenda
Part 2: Wed., Dec 2, 2020 (10 am) | Live Stream | Agenda
Part 1: Tues., Oct 20, 2020 (3 pm) | Live Stream | Agenda
Part 2: Thurs., Oct 22, 2020 (3 pm) | Live Stream | Agenda
Chair: Carl Crawford
Alicia Belton
Gita Ghei
Amy Koch
Ted Lentz
Ka Oskar Ly
Associate Justice Anne McKeig
Maria Isa Pérez-Hedges
Commissioner Alice Roberts-Davis
Dr. Angel Smith
Mayor Tom Stiehm
Senator Patricia Torres Ray
Representative Dean Urdahl
Christina Woods