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The USS Ward Number Three Gun


This large gun, from a World War I-era Navy Destroyer, fired on and sank an enemy vessel in the very early morning of December 7, 1941. The crew was comprised of Naval Reservists from Minnesota. After the war, the United States Navy agreed to loan the gun to the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs with the assurance that the state properly maintain it (please see supplemental materials, Part 2/Items A & B). The gun was installed on the State Capitol grounds in 1958. The gun is owned by the United States Navy.

Staff Acceptance of Application, Review, and Preliminary Findings

CAAPB Staff received an application from Randal Dietrich, Executive Director of the Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum, for removal of the Commemorative Work USS Ward Gun from the Capitol Mall on 8/19/2024. CAAPB staff reviewed the application and determined it to be complete on 8/26/2024 (within the 10 days allowed per Minnesota Rules “Rules” 2400.2703, Subp. 7).

As directed by Rules, CAAPB staff reviewed the application within 10 calendar days of receipt and assessed the Commemorative Work based on the required conditions in Subpart 6. CAAPB staff finds that the removal request meets the condition of M.R. 2400.2703 Subpart 6., Item C., “the artwork has faults in construction or requires maintenance such that the Department of Administration is unable to properly care for or store the artwork.”

1) Memo to Board about Ward Gun
2) Ward Gun Application
3) Ward Gun Supplemental materials

Latest Updates and Resources

The public comment period has begun for the USS Ward Gun removal application. Interested persons may comment on whether conditions have been met for the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board to consider the application to remove the USS Ward Gun from the Capitol Mall. All comments must be received by 4:30pm on January 7, 2025. You can voice your opinion by email, phone, or mail.

  • Email:
  • Phone: 651-757-1508 (leave message if no answer)
  • Mail: 
    Attn: Tina Chimuzu, CAAPB Planner-Fellow
    Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board
    Freeman Building
    625 Robert Street North
    Saint Paul, MN 551555

Public Hearing:

The Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board held a public hearing on December 19, 2024, regarding whether conditions have been met for CAAPB to consider the application to remove the USS Ward Gun from the Capitol Mall. You can view a recording of the hearing by clicking this link.


Frequently Asked Questions


Below is a graphic showing the Commemorative Work Removal process.


Dates and details to follow.


Tina Chimuzu
Planning Fellow
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

Peter Musty (he/him/his)
Principal Planner and Administrator of the Zoning and Design Rules
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

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