"Listening Post" Sessions Provide Current Information on
Federal and State Telephone Assistance Programs
The Minnesota Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Legal Services Advocacy Project, invites you to a "Listening Post" session designed to provide you with current information on federal and state telephone assistance programs, and to listen to your thoughts on how to let others know about these programs. Two identical sessions are planned:
Clarion Hotel Seville
Tuesday, September 10, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
8151 Bridge Road
Bloomington, MNThe Inn on Lake Superior
Thursday, September 12, 9:30-11:3- a.m.
350 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN
The assistance programs, Link-Up, Lifeline and TAP (Telephone Assistance Program), can help cut the cost of new phone connections and shrink monthly local phone bills. While the programs have been available for several years, very few Minnesotans take advantage of them.
Wed like to know:
- How should we reach your counterparts across the state with this information?
- What tools and materials will help you spread the word and encourage consumers to sign up for these programs?
- What messages will resonate with the people who can benefit from these programs?
These Listening Post sessions are the first step in a statewide consumer education program to increase participation in these telephone assistance programs. With your insight, we can take advantage of this one-time opportunity to bring underutilized programs to the people you serve, allowing them to start and keep telephone service. Please join us and help make this campaign a success.
For more information or to let us know youll be at one of the Listening Posts, please contact Ron Elwood at relwood@mnlsap.org or 651-222-3749, extension 109.