When We All Answer the Census, Our Needs Are Heard!
The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States, and is required by the Constitution to take place every 10 years.
Be Counted!
The 2010 census will take place on April 1, 2010. Questionnaires will be sent to every address in the nation one to thee weeks before this date. Local governments have been working with the Census Bureau to ensure that all addresses are included.
The 2010 Census will help communities receive more than $400 billion in federal funds each year for things like:
- Hospitals
- Job training centers
- Schools
- Senior centers
- Bridges, tunnels and other-public works projects
- Emergency services
The data collected by the census also help determine the number of seats our state has in the U.S. House of Representatives.
And people from many walks of life use census data to advocate for causes, rescue disaster victims, prevent diseases, research markets, locate pools of skilled workers and more. When you do the math, it's easy to see what an accurate count of residents can do for your community. Better infrastructure. More services. A brighter tomorrow for everyone. In fact, the information the census collects helps to determine how more than $400 billion dollars of federal funding each year is spent on infrastructure and services.
That's why it's so important that you fill in the form and promptly mail it back.
We can't move forward until you mail it back.
In March of 2010, census forms will be delivered to every residence in the United States and Puerto Rico. When you receive yours, just answer the 10 short questions and then mail the form back in the postage-paid envelope provided. If you don't mail the form back, you may receive a visit from a census taker, who will ask you the questions from the form.
The majority of the country will receive English-only materials. Households in areas with high concentrations of Spanish-speaking residents may receive a bilingual (English/Spanish) form.
Any personal data you provide is protected under federal law.
Participation isn't just important—it's mandatory!
The Census Bureau depends on your cooperation and trust, and promises to protect the confidentiality of your information. Title 13 of the U.S. Code protects the confidentiality of all your information and violating this law is a crime with severe penalties. In addition, other federal laws, including the Confidential Statistical Efficiency Act and the Privacy Act reinforce these protections.
It is against the law to disclose or publish any of the following information:
- Names
- Addresses including GPS coordinates
- Social Security numbers
- Telephone numbers
The Census Bureau Collects Information to Produce Statistics.
The Census Bureau uses your information to produce statistics. Your answers cannot be used against you by any government agency or court.
Sworn for Life to Protect Your Confidentiality.
All Census Bureau employees take the oath of nondisclosure and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of the data.
Violating the Oath Is a Serious Crime.
The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
Questionnaire Assistance Centers:
If you need assistance filling out the census form, Questionnaire Assistance Centers will be located throughout the state. Contact your local city hall or Census Office to locate the Questionnaire Assistance Center closest to you.
Questionnaire Assistance Centers will offer 59 different language assistance guides along with Braille and large print questionnaires.
So be sure to participate in the 2010 Census and remember, we all count and we all need to be counted!
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is my information protected?All Census Bureau employees take the oath of nondisclosure and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of the data. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents' answers with anyone, including the IRS, FBI, CIA or any other government agency. The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
How can I keep my information safe?The easiest way to keep your information safe is to fill out your census form and mail it back right away. Also, look for identification from census takers and remember that the Census Bureau will NEVER ask for any information to be submitted online.
What steps are taken if my information is compromised?
A determination of the sensitivity of the information and the specific details associated with incidents determines the action the Census Bureau takes. Actions range from sending notification letters to providing credit-monitoring services. All incidents are reviewed and Census Bureau senior management receives regular status reports on the incidents.
Are the GPS coordinates collected during the 2010 Census operation kept confidential?
Yes. All address information, including GPS coordinates, is protected by the confidentiality requirements of Title 13 of the United States Code. All Census Bureau employees take an oath for life to protect identifiable information about individuals and businesses gathered by the agency. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share respondents' answers with the IRS, FBI, CIA or any other government agency. The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to 5 years, or both.
How your data is used
If you're curious to as to exactly how the data the census collects is used, visit the 2000 Census overview for an in-depth description. Visit the 2000 Census website . For more information on the 2010 Census go to http://2010census.gov.
For more information contact your local Census Office:
Anoka County
Coon Rapids Boulevard NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
Phone: 763-852-1560
Census takers start at: $12.50/hour
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: 1-866-861-2010
Census takers start at: $11.50/hour
North 3rd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: 612-216-6170
Census takers start at: $16.50/hour
Metro Boulevard
Edina, MN 55439
Phone: 952-513-2190
Census takers start at: $15.50/hour
5th Street
Bemidji, MN 56601
Phone: 218-755-5810
Census takers start at: $11.75/hour
16th Avenue NW
Rochester, MN 55901
Phone: 507-206-5070
Census takers start at: $15.50/hour
Shakopee Town Square
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone: 952-252-3330
Census takers start at: $12.50/hour
St. Paul
East Fifth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: 612-216-5970
Census takers start at: $17.00/hour
OR Contact the US Census Home Page at www.census.gov
OR Contact the Call Center:
- 301-763-INFO (4636) or 800-923-8282
- TDD: TTY users can dial 1-800-877-8339 to use the Federal Relay Service
- Via U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, DC 20233
- Via private carriers (FedEx, DHL, UPS, couriers and suppliers):
U.S. Census Bureau
4600 Silver Hill Road
Suitland, MD 20746