Ed Roberts, Activist
Lee Roberts: Growing Up with Ed
Lee Roberts: When I was a kid, um, you know, oftentimes, you know, growing up with your father, you know what your father is doing but sometimes you don't know the little intricacies of what makes him who he is with his job.
But oftentimes my father always considered his place, where he lived in Berkeley, he liked to call it the Ed Roberts International Center, because he didn't want an office, and what he wanted is for everyone to come to see him personally, his personal life, be involved with the people around him who were the closest…
It was his inner family, his attendants, and the people that worked with him, were his closest people so… Growing up, my observations were always on… as a kid, trying to grasp the profound relationships that he had developed and what would usually spawn out of them with the amazing events and social activities that then he would be taking to… what you were doing, as well as the political and government.