Ed Roberts, Activist
Lee Roberts: Traveling When Ed Roberts is Your Dad
Lee Roberts: Well, my father used to always like to tell me that, ah, when you're Dad, you're Dad. That was one of the lessons that, apparently I taught him, through many stages, but it was always… It was always an interesting "learn-with-each-other" game growing up, because he had different methods of how he taught me to play sports and how he disciplined when I was, well, you know me.
But it was… it was always a learning game between… between the two of us, with the adventures that my father would always have going all over the country. Oftentimes, you know, I would get out of school and would go and just basically learn lifelong lessons from a bunch of different places and events that he would travel to.
To this day, like, they still stick with me when I'm in my individual events, it all just keeps coming back to me in several stages, on traveling with my father and seeing how he influenced people's lives. And it's really to me just a priceless… I guess just natural instinct that I've gotten from that, that really I can't replace it.