for Leadership Training Conferences
The Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is pleased to announce the availability of a total of $20,000 in cosponsorship funds for training conferences held in Minnesota and supporting the participation of Minnesota residents. Conferences should focus on providing best practices information in the field of developmental disabilities and leadership skills training. The primary audience for these conferences must be people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Conferences must be held no later than September 15, 2015. Eligible applicants are Minnesota associations/organizations that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, advocates, providers, or professionals; Minnesota chapters of national organizations; or national organizations that are holding a conference in Minnesota. Application deadline is Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Please note: The GCDD reserves the right to award less than the maximum of $2,000 to an applicant, refuse to cosponsor a conference, or withdraw the availability of funds with or without notice. .
You can download an application in PDF format here.
For additional information or to request an application form please contact:
Mary Jo Nichols
Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
370 Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
Phone: (651) 282-2899 Toll free: (877) 348-0505
TTY: (800) 627-3529 Minnesota Relay Service OR 711