Providing information, education, and training to build knowledge, develop skills, and change attitudes that will lead to increased independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion (IPSII) for people with developmental disabilities and their families.

2005 Funds Awarded for Local Self Advocacy Groups

On April 6, 2005, the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities awarded funds to local self advocacy groups so that self advocates could attend a conference, host a conference, work with other cultures, or make a speech or teach other self advocates about self advocacy.  Twelve groups participated in this grant application process and received funds that will be used for one of more of these specific activities.

Recipients of 2005 funds for local self advocacy groups are listed below.  Some of the activities have already taken place; others are in the planning phase and will be completed by September 30, 2005:

Advocating Change Together, Inc.
1821 University Avenue, Suite 306-South
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
Contact: Mary Kay Kennedy
(651) 641-0297

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

Midway Training Services
720 Vandalia Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Contact:  Ann Wheeler
(651) 641-0709

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future,” and training materials will be purchased to help self advocates teach others about self advocacy.

Northern Minnesota People First/ADAPT
123 South Main Street
Crookston, Minnesota 56176
Contact:  Gordy Haug
(218) 281-5722

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future;” self advocates will teach others about self advocacy, and new groups will be started in Thief River Falls and Roseau.

People First Arc Southwest
1942 State Highway 19
Marshall, Minnesota 56258
Contact:  Pat Mellenthin
(507) 532-2220

Self advocates will attend a regional conference in September; the focus will be on developing healthy relationships and becoming a positive force in the community.

People First Central
Arc Hennepin Carver
4301 Highway 7, Suite 140
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416
Contact:  Mark Olson
(952) 915-3617

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future,” and other conferences/workshops; teach other self advocates about self advocacy and, and start new groups in the southwest suburbs of the Twin Cities metro area.

People First Kandiyohi County
201 Southwest Fourth Street, Suite 12
Willmar, Minnesota 56201
Contact: Arlan Christianson
(320) 231-1777

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

People First McLeod
Arc Central
6112 – 322nd Street
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303
Contact:  Bev Kaler
(320) 240-9550

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

People First Minnesota
Institute on Community Integration
204 Pattee Hall
150 Pillsbury Drive Southeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Contact:  Cliff Poetz
(612) 625-0171

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

People First New Ulm
1200 South Broadway
New Ulm, Minnesota 56073
Contact:  Rita Werner
(507) 354-3808

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future” and training materials will be purchased to help self advocates teach others about self advocacy.

People First Sherburne County
Arc Central
6112 – 322nd Street
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303
Contact:  Bev Kaler
(320) 240-9550

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

People First Suburban
1526 East 122nd Street
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Contact:  Scott Schifsky
(952) 890-3057

Self advocates will plan and host a conference for other self advocates; conference topics will include employment (getting better jobs) self determination (making choices and having control over the resources available to you), and how to be more independent/included in the community.

STARS/Dakota Communities, Inc.
680 O'Neill Drive
Eagan, Minnesota 55121
Contact:  Sean Kinsella
(763) 420-5848

Self advocates will attend the 2005 State Self Advocacy Conference, “Deciding Our Future.”

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©2025 The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
Administration Building   50 Sherburne Avenue   Room G10
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155
Phone: 651-296-4018   Toll-free number: 877-348-0505   MN Relay Service: 800-627-3529 OR 711
Email:    View Privacy Policy    An Equal Opportunity Employer 

The GCDD is funded under the provisions of P.L. 106-402. The federal law also provides funding to the Minnesota Disability Law Center, the state Protection and Advocacy System, and to the Institute on Community Integration, the state University Center for Excellence. The Minnesota network of programs works to increase the IPSII of people with developmental disabilities and families into community life.

This project was supported, in part by grant number 2401MNSCDD, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

This website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,152,808.00 funded by ACL/HHS and $222,000.00 funded by non-federal-government source(s). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.