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The Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is part of the Minnesota network of programs funded under P.L. 106-402, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act). The DD Act also funds the Minnesota Disability Law Center, the designated Protection and Advocacy agency for the state, and the Institute on Community Integration, a University Center for Excellence located at the University of Minnesota. The business of the GCDD is to provide information, education, and training to increase knowledge, develop skills, and change attitudes that will lead to an increase in the independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion (IPSII) of people with developmental disabilities and their families. COUNCIL MEMBERS – FFY 2006
Independence: Personal freedom to make choices and have control over services, supports, and other assistance the individual receives; Self-determination: Authority to make decisions, control resources and develop personal leadership skills; Productivity: Meaningful income-producing work or volunteer work that contributes to a household or the community; Integration and Inclusion: Full participation in the same community activities as people without disabilities. RESULTS The Minnesota GCDD received $1,021,571 from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) for FFY 2006. Of that amount, 70% was allocated for grants and contracts to fulfill the goals of the GCDD's Five Year State Plan approved by the federal government. 1. Partners in Policymaking®: The Minnesota GCDD has sponsored Partners in Policymaking courses since May 1, 1987. In FFY 2006, Class 23 graduated 11 self advocates and 13 family members, including three individuals from minority communities. Participants evaluated themselves at the beginning of the program year on the federal outcomes of IPSII and again at graduation. The following IPSII changes were reported: On a 5 point scale, independence increased from 4.1 to 4.6; productivity increased from 4.1 to 4.8; self determination increased from 4.0 to 4.6; and integration and inclusion increased from 3.6 to 4.5. Graduates rated knowledge gained at 4.6, usefulness of the presentations at 4.6, and quality of the training sessions at 4.7. Minnesota now has more than 670 graduates, and more than 15,000 graduates in the United States and internationally. QUOTES
Supplier: Government Training Services 2. Partners Graduate Workshops: IN FFY 2006, three workshops were held on the topics of inclusive education, self determination, and negotiating difficult conversations. A total of 102 graduates attended and evaluated the workshops as follows: 4.6 for knowledge gained, 4.6 for usefulness, and 4.4 for quality of training on a 5 point scale. QUOTES Inclusive Education:
Self Determination:
Negotiating Difficult Conversations:
Supplier: Government Training Services 3. Partners Online: The conversion of the Partners in Policymaking leadership training program to an e-learning site has been completed. Five online self directed courses, 30 hours of training, can be accessed directly from the Partners in Policymaking web site. Making Your Case teaches the competencies of communicating effectively with public officials and community organizing. Partners in Employment teaches how to find a job of your choice, write a resume, prepare for an interview, and plan a career. Partners in Education teaches parents of children with developmental disabilities how to maximize the benefits of special education services and work to achieve inclusion for their children in the regular classroom. Partners in Time teaches how people with disabilities lived, learned, and worked from ancient times to the present; how history repeats itself; and how past lessons can be applied to create a vision that truly includes all people. The rise of community services, from 1950 to the present, is the focus of this course. Partners in Living teaches the concepts of self determination, family support, community living, and assistive technology. In FFY 2006, a total of 54,517 page visits were made to the online courses, for an average of 4,543 page visits on a monthly basis. During FFY 2006, a total of 191 compliments were received. The Feedback Form for each course was revised to include IPSII measures with ratings on a 5-point scale. A total of 118 evaluations were received; independence was rated 4.6, productivity was rated 4.6; self determination was rated 4.6; integration/inclusion was rated 4.7. QUOTES Making Your Case:
Partners in Employment:
Partners in Education:
Partners in Time:
Partners in Living:
Supplier: ZenMation, Inc. 4. Cultural Outreach: The GCDD funded cultural outreach programs in the African American, Asian, and Hispanic communities in FFY 2006. A total of 36 individuals graduated from these training programs. In assessing IPSII, the graduates rated themselves on a 5-point scale. For the African American Outreach program, independence changed from 4.0 to 3.7, productivity increased from 3.3 to 4.0, self determination increased from 3.3 to 4.0, and integration/inclusion increased from 3.6 to 4.0. Graduates rated the program as 4.5 for knowledge gained, 4.7 for usefulness, and 4.7 quality of training. For the Asian Outreach program, participant levels of independence and productivity stayed the same; self determination changed from 75% saying “yes” at the start of the year to 67% saying “yes” at the end of the year; integration/inclusion increased from 75% saying “yes” at the start of the year to 100% saying “yes” at the end of the year. Graduates rated the program as 4.5 in knowledge gained, 4.4 for usefulness, and 4.8 for quality of training. For the Hispanic Outreach program, independence increased from 3.5 to 4.8, productivity increased from 3.5 to 4.6, self determination increased from 3.6 to 4.5, and integration/inclusion increased from 3.5 to 4.5. Graduates rated the program as 4.8 in knowledge gained, 4.8 for usefulness, and 4.8 for quality of training. QUOTES African American Outreach
Asian Outreach:
Hispanic Outreach
Suppliers: IPSII, Inc. (African American program), WISE (Asian program), and CLUES (Hispanic program). 5. Longitudinal Studies of Partners in Policymaking: Tom Zirpoli, Ph.D. has conducted the external evaluations of the Partners classes since 1988. During FFY 2006, Dr. Zirpoli surveyed graduates from the previous four classes. Based on averages across the four classes, the results indicated that 92% of the respondents have the advocacy skills necessary to get needed services and supports some or most of the time; and 88% rate their leadership skills as good to excellent. In terms of federal outcomes, 74% have increased independence, 82% have increased productivity, 82% have increased self determination, and 84% have increased integration and inclusion. Supplier: Tom Zirpoli, Ph.D. 6. Digital Imaging/Employment: Since 1988, the GCDD has worked with employers and promoted the direct employment of people with developmental disabilities. During FFY 2006,
Suppliers: Metro Work Center, The Wallace Group, Quality Culture Institute, Minnesota Department of Human Services, and Minnesota Department of Administration. 7. Self Advocacy: The GCDD funded a statewide effort to strengthen self advocacy and local self advocacy groups. New groups were started or strengthened in Bemidji and Waseca, and 34 new members were recruited. A total of 88 self advocates attended workshops on leadership and communication skills, civic involvement, and voter education and the voting process. A total of 413 self advocates from 14 local self advocacy groups attended workshops or conferences and helped to plan conferences or training sessions, and five self advocates made presentations. Self advocates evaluated themselves on IPSII changes — 89% reported increased independence, 86% increased productivity, 89% increased self determination, and 88% increased integration and inclusion. QUOTES
Suppliers: People First Minnesota (statewide project) and local self advocacy groups: Midway Training Services Self Advocacy Group, People First Anoka, People First of The Arc of Minnesota Southwest, People First of the Bemidji Area, People First Central, People First Duluth, People First of Kandiyohi County, People First McLeod County, People First of New Ulm, People First Olmsted County, People First Sherburne County, People First Wright County, Rum River Advisory Committee, 8. Publications: In FFY 2005, the GCDD disseminated 21,201 print publications (individual orders, and at conferences and presentations); there were 147,346 downloads from the GCDD web site. The evaluation scores averaged 9.2 on a 10 point scale and 97% of the respondents indicated the publications were useful. QUOTES CD-ROM – Parallels in Time
Stories of Leadership
Publications about Person Centered Planning/Self Determination It's Never Too Early, It's Never Too Late
Making Futures Happen
It's My Choice
Supplier: Advantage Business Center 9. E-Government Services: The GCDD web site is the largest on the state of Minnesota server with a total of 70 products/services converted to electronic formats or individual items added during the past year. In FFY 2006, there were 163,604 unique visits to the Parallels in Time, Part 2, a continuation of the History of Disabilities that is contained in the original Parallels in Time, and covers the time period from 1950 to the present was released. This period is comprised of a series of significant changes in the perceptions and perspectives about disability, the types of services and supports available to people with developmental disabilities and families, and how these services and supports were delivered. Each of the major aspects of a person's life — home, learning/education, and employment are presented by decade with images, photos, history, and stories that reflect and represent the reality of this period in our history. QUOTES
Supplier: Master Communications Group QUOTES
Suppliers: ACT, Inc., Arc Central Minnesota, Arc Greater Twin Cities, Arc Headwaters, The Arc of Minnesota, Arc Minnesota Southwest, Arc West Central Minnesota. Autism Society of Minnesota, Brain Injury Association of Minnesota, Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota, MnDACA, Reach for Resources, Region X/Arc Southeast Minnesota, United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota. 11. Customer Research: In FFY 2006, a new Five Year State Plan was developed. An Individual Survey was designed to collect data and gather input from people with developmental disabilities and families about specific attributes associated with independence, productivity, self determination, integration and inclusion (IPSII), and individual satisfaction with current IPSII levels. Both English and Spanish versions were available. A Provider Survey was also developed to learn from service providers about areas of emphasis, satisfaction with those areas, and where and what system improvements could be made. A total of 706 individuals responded to the surveys. Visits were made to eight regions of the state to talk with self advocates, families, advocates, program managers, and front line staff about issues that are important to them, and where and how services and supports could be improved. Qualitative and quantitative survey results are posted on the GCDD web site. Supplier: MarketResponse International 12. Quality Improvement: The GCDD has aligned its work to the Baldrige Criteria and Framework since 1997. In FFY 2006, training and coaching sessions on strategic planning and customer focus were provided to a statewide advocacy organization. Technical assistance requests received during the year were reviewed and analyzed to determine areas of emphasis, help identify public policy issues, and delivery system improvements that could be incorporated in the new Five Year State Plan. Staff and GCDD members received a total of 245.5 hours of training on quality principles and core learning. Suppliers: Minnesota Council for Quality and Quality Culture Institute 13. Technical Assistance: During this year, the GCDD had 1,795 unique customer contacts about individual problems and 210 contacts about the Partners in Policymaking program. QUOTES
14. Presentations: A total of 34 presentations reached 2,735 people. QUOTES
15. Public Policy: We addressed the following public policy issues at the state level during FFY 2006: Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) — survey and budget allocation methodology Parental fees Day training and habilitation programs Universal assessment Family support Modernization of language legislation Help America Vote Act (HAVA) implementation — poll accessibility, voting equipment, and voting process issues We addressed the following public policy issues at the federal level during FFY 2006: IDEA reauthorization IDEA 2004 implementing regulations Special education funding Direct Support Professional Fairness and Security Act DD Act reauthorization MiCASSA Deficit Reduction Act and Medicaid reform Medicare Part D 16. Collaboration: During FFY 2006, our collaborative activities with the Minnesota Disability Law Center (P&A Agency) and the Institute on Community Integration (UCE) included: E-Government Services — the DD Network is linked and materials from the DD Network are featured. Voter equipment standards and accessibility. Abuse, neglect, and exploitation issues. Partners in Policymaking. Self advocacy funding. Funding for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. Newborn screening legislation. Managed care issues. Day program and employment issues. Waiver legislation. Emergency preparedness and disaster recovery. Council's new Five Year State Plan Human Services Administration Study. Efforts to promote digital imaging and increase employment for people with developmental disabilities. Medicaid Town Hall Forums. Information and referral services. Letters of support. Alliance for Full Participation. Promoted self determination. Meetings were held with the P&A and UCE in advance of conducting the surveys for the Council's new Five Year State Plan to discuss the regional meeting schedule and data collection through the survey process; and again after the survey was completed and results analyzed. The DD Network was on hand to discuss issues with Commissioner Pat Morrissey during the November ADD visit to the Family Support Center at Jordan New Life Church in North Minneapolis. |