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Capitol Area Zoning and Design Rulemaking

CAAPB - Boundary Map

Minnesota’s Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board (CAAPB) is now in a preliminary development phase to update the Minnesota Rules Chapter 2400, Capitol Area Zoning and Design rules ("Rules") for the Capitol Area in Saint Paul, Minnesota. 

The update to the Rules will build upon the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for the Minnesota State Capitol Area and the existing Rules to regulate and manage the Capitol Area environment and its physical form. 

The Rulemaking will follow the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and Minnesota Rules Chapter 1400.

Statutory Authority: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 15B.06, authorizes the Board to adopt rules for zoning and design in the Capitol Area, and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 15B.03, Subd. 6. states: "General rulemaking authority. The board may adopt rules under chapter 14, the Administrative Procedure Act, that it believes are needed and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of this chapter."

Submit written comments via the Office of Administrative Hearings Rulemaking eComments website at

Resources/Rulemaking Documents:


Rulemaking contact:
Erik Cedarleaf Dahl, Executive Secretary
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board 

Zoning and Design contact:
Peter Musty, Principal Planner and Zoning and Design Administrator
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board 

Administrative Support:
Jessie Hughes, Office Administrative Specialist
Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board

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