Following the Comprehensive Plan, district and neighborhood planning may occur. In addition to the Capitol Campus, the Capitol Area has three district/neighborhood planning areas:
While Comprehensive Planning looks at the entire Capitol Area and writes policy to guide future development decisions, district Development Frameworks outline detailed goals for stability, change and growth in a community.
The entirety of the Capitol Heights neighborhood falls within the Capitol Area. A thorough small area planning process is required to update the Area Plan for Capitol Heights.
Five blocks of the Fitzgerald Park neighborhood fall within the Capitol Area. As such, the CAAPB is a major stakeholder in the city’s planning efforts. Additionally, the five blocks are important in how the Capitol Area connects to downtown Saint Paul. This planning track outlined our efforts to work with the City of Saint Paul PED in its planning efforts, as well as CAAPB responsibility to reach out to building owner/managers regarding our Comprehensive Plan and upcoming zoning update.