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Capitol Connections

As a portion of I-94 runs through the Capitol Area, the CAAPB was a major stakeholder in the Rethinking I-94 Study conducted by MnDOT from 2016-2020. The CAAPB led a multi-agency initiative, called Capitol Connections, to work in parallel with the I-94 study. The work focused on five areas: connectivity improvement concepts, land bridge feasibility, public realm framework (especially regarding future Sears site redevelopment), key intersection studies and multi-agency bridge maintenance models.

Rethinking I-94

The Minnesota Department of Transportation is currently working with neighborhoods, community groups, district councils, local governments and others interested in the future of I-94 between St. Paul and Minneapolis to develop an implementation schedule that guides future project development efforts and identifies construction projects.

The goals of the project include:

  • Enhance connectivity to, along and across the I-94 corridor and establish a sense of place for the communities that live, work and play there
  • Enhance safety and mobility for people walking, biking, driving and using transit
  • Develop a comprehensive, long-term and community-based approach to address corridor needs in regards to pavement, bridges, and other infrastructure
For more information about this project or to sign up for project email updates, visit MnDOT's Rethinking I-94 page
*All information on this page is from MnDOT's Rethinking I-94 Visioning Workshop on June 22, 2017, and is not authored by CAAPB
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