In 2008, the Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities released a public report entitled Just Plain Wrong (PDF). In the report the agency detailed the excessive use of restraints and law enforcement style devices at the Minnesota Extended Treatment Program.
In 2009 a Federal Class Action lawsuit was filed on behalf of individuals who had been subjected to seclusion or restraint. Attached is information for former residents of METO, their guardians or interested person, on how to file a claim (PDF).
August 4 Letter to Resident, Guardian, Contact (METO) (PDF)
METO Settlement Agreement Highlight (PDF)
Minnesota Department of Human Services is providing early intervention and diversion process for persons with a developmental disability who are committed as mentally ill and dangerous to St. Peter Security Hospital.
Minnesota Department of Human Services is providing a discharge planning process for persons with a developmental disability from St. Peter Security Hospital.
Governor Mark Dayton has issues an executive order (PDF) establishing a sub-cabinet to develop and implement a comprehensive plan supporting freedom of choice and opportunity for people with Disabilities. Ombudsman is ex-officio member of the Olmstead Plansub-cabinet (PDF).