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definitionsThe following definitions are taken from the Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Statute definitions (MS 245.91) .

Agency: Agency means the divisions, officials, or employees of the State Departments of Human Services, Health, Education, and of local school districts and designated county social service agencies as defined in section 256G.02, subdivision 7, that are engaged in monitoring, providing, or regulating services or treatment for mental illness, developmental disabilities, chemical dependency, or emotional disturbance.

Client: Client means a person served by an agency, facility, or program, who is receiving services or treatment for mental illness, developmental disabilities, chemical dependency, or emotional disturbance. Client also includes a now deceased person who had been served by an agency, facility, or program.

Facility or Program: Facility or program means a nonresidential or residential program as defined in section 245A.02, subdivisions 10 and 14 that is required to be licensed by the commissioner of human services, and an acute care inpatient facility that provides services or treatment for mental illness, developmental disabilities, chemical dependency, or emotional disturbance.

Serious injury: Serious injury (Subd. 6.)means:

  1. fractures;
  2. dislocations;
  3. evidence of internal injuries;
  4. head injuries with loss of consciousness;
  5. lacerations involving injuries to tendons or organs, and those for which complications are present;
  6. extensive second-degree or third-degree burns, and other burns for which complications are present;
  7. extensive second-degree or third-degree frostbite, and others for which complications are present;
  8. irreversible mobility or avulsion of teeth;
  9. injuries to the eyeball;
  10. ingestion of foreign substances and objects that are harmful;
  11. near drowning;
  12. heat exhaustion or sunstroke; and
  13. all other injuries considered serious by a physician.
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