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Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy Statement

The Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities is required by The Minnesota Data Practices Act to protect your privacy. We will maintain all information in the data classification that it was received (public, private or confidential data). We will not disclose information about you to others unless specifically authorized by law, court order, or your written consent.

You may refuse to provide or release information, however the consequence of your choice may limit our ability to assist you. You may revoke your consent at any time and your consent will automatically expire one year from the date of your signature unless an earlier date has been established.

E-mail Privacy

Information that is transmitted by e-mail over the Internet can be intercepted and read by other Internet users. The Office of Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (OMHDD) recommends that you do not use e-mail to send private or confidential data about yourself or others unless it has been encoded or encrypted. To send an encrypted email to the OMHDD use the words "secure" or "encrypt" within brackets like this: [secure] or [encrypt] in the subject line.

The OMHDD will not use e-mail to transmit responses that contain private or confidential information on an individual unless we can ensure the security and integrity of the information and/or we have the individual's consent to transmit that information. 

Please also note that any e-mail submitted to the OMHDD may be forwarded internally in order to direct it to the appropriate recipient.

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