Custody Level: Level 4 Close
Lisa Stenseth, Warden
Fax: 612.473.5251
MCF-Rush city is piloting an electronic visiting application process. This electronic visiting application is ONLY for those visiting at Rush City. Please use the following link to complete your visiting application:
MCF-Rush city está poniendo a prueba un proceso de solicitud de visitas electrónicas. Esta aplicación de visita electrónica es SÓLO para quienes visitan Rush City. Utilice el siguiente enlace para completar su solicitud de visita:
Effective November 1, 2024, the DOC is launching a new mail delivery service. Learn more by visiting:
MCF-Rush City houses up to 1,000 adult males in a high-security setting. MCF-Rush City opened in 2000 and is the DOC's newest facility.
Drinking Water Reports
Visiting - Rush City
Updated 7/15/24 - Visiting at MCF-Rush City is currently open Thursday - Sunday.
Four (4) visitors are allowed per person and must be on the approved visitor list.
Hours of Visiting:
General population |
Thursday and Friday |
11:15 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. |
Visits up to 2 hours. Registration/front desk closes at 7 p.m. |
Saturday and Sunday |
11:15 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. |
Visits up to 1 hour. Registration/front desk closes at 7 p.m. |
Holidays (see below) |
No visiting |
Restrictive housing population |
Those in restrictive housing may visit on Saturday and Sunday at 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. via teleconference television. To make an appointment, call 320-358-0481 - 24 hours in advance on Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. |
Visiting Contact and Applications:
Directions: Interstate 35 to the Rush City exit. Go east into town. Cross the railroad tracks and come to a four way stop. Turn left onto Highway 361. About 1 mile ahead, exit right at sign to MCF-Rush City and follow road to facility.
Visiting Regulations: Please read Visiting Information prior to visits.
There is no visiting on the following State recognized holidays: