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Lawyers & Litigants

Administrative Law Overview

Administrative Law Judges at the Office of Administrative Hearings provide hearing and mediation services in contested case proceedings involving the public and more than 100 state agencies and local governments. The Administrative Law Division’s services include:

  • Allowing adversely-affected citizens to challenge certain government actions; 
  • Ensuring that agency rules and rulemaking proceedings are lawful and allow public participation; 
  • Conducting hearings on petitions for creation or dissolution of municipalities or for alterations of municipal boundaries; and, 
  • Assisting parties to resolve disputes through settlement or mediation. 

Administrative Law Judges handle a wide range of cases resulting from challenges to government actions. A few of the most common types of cases relate to utility regulation, fair campaign practices, data practices, special education services, municipal boundary adjustments, regulated health care facilities, and a variety of state licensing disputes including those related to child care or foster care; professional licenses of nurses, doctors, realtors, securities dealers and other licensed professions.

Read the Contested Case Hearing Guide for general information about the contested case hearing process.

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