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Lawyers & Litigants

Administrative Law Mediation

OAH provides state and local government agencies with Administrative Law Judges to facilitate settlement discussions among parties to a dispute. All Administrative Law Judges have received training as mediators and several have extensive mediation experience.


Mediation is less adversarial, helps the parties preserve a relationship, and saves time and financial resources. Administrative Law Judges are experienced in limiting mediations to relevant issues, remaining impartial, and handling mediations efficiently and cost-effectively.


OAH bills for mediation services at the hourly rate approved for all judicial services. Hourly charges include mediation time and travel time. Expenses such as lodging, meals and mileage are also billed when the judge must travel outside the metro area.


Mediations are usually conducted at OAH's St. Paul office. OAH's mediators can agree to conduct mediations at other locations upon request. Common mediation facilities include conference rooms, jury rooms, city council chambers, county commissioner boardrooms, or courtrooms.

Requesting mediation

To request mediation in an Administrative Law matter, complete the form below.

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