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With An Eye to the Future

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2007: Archive of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) Released

Since 1963, the DD Act has made a crucial difference in the lives and futures of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Through the DD Act, federal funds support the development and operation of Councils on Developmental Disabilities, Protection and Advocacy Systems, University Centers (formerly known as University Affiliated Programs), and Projects of National Significance.

This crucial investment has provided the structure to assist people with developmental disabilities to pursue meaningful and productive lives. These programs have made community living possible for individuals with significant disabilities across our nation. The DD Act has led to further federal legislation in support of all people with disabilities.

The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities, in cooperation with the Connecticut and Texas Councils, assembled a comprehensive archive of documents related to the DD Act, and placed the archive online with an introduction by Allan Bergman, national consultant.

"Kids aren't born with stigma and prejudice and stereotypes - that's learned behavior. Let's start next year at kindergarten, with no more special education 'pullout' unless it's really justified. We want kids fully included with teachers, aides and resources all on board. Start there, and in 12 years, we've got a whole different world."
Alan Bergman.

Allan Bergman
Allan Bergman