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With An Eye to the Future

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Index of Documents

The historical documents listed on this page provide important background information to the material presented in "With An Eye to the Future."

Mandated Reports

The documents posted at the website feature, "With An Eye to the Past," were identified by searching through over a hundred and thirty years' worth of paper documents at the Minnesota Historical Society.

The State is making great efforts to keep up with technology and digitalization. Since 2001, the slogan has been "Digital first!" We would rather locate a document in 3 clicks than in 3 days.

The archives at the Legislative Reference Library have all "gone digital." In order to provide you with a thorough background on the progress, setbacks, and achievements in disability rights, we've listed here all the legislatively required reports on disability topics.

The Mandated Legislative Reports include a broad range of topics, like vulnerable adults, quality assurance, health equity, prevention of abuse and neglect, positive supports, community-based services, Individualized Education Programs, Medicaid spending and waivers, quality of life, transportation and everything in between. If you are interested in a disability-related topic, it is likely that you will find information on that topic here in these Mandated Legislative Reports.

View the Mandated Report Document Index >>

Jensen Docket

The plaintiffs in Jensen et al v. Minnesota Dept. of Human Services et al. brought a lawsuit against agencies in Minnesota because they believed their family members were being maltreated at METO, which stands for The Minnesota Extended Treatment Options program, in Cambridge, MN. METO was intended to serve people with developmental disabilities. It was alleged that METO residents were unlawfully and unconstitutionally secluded and restrained. The Jensen Docket provides links to selected court documents of Jensen et al v. Minnesota Dept. of Human Services et al. You can see everything from the original Complaint filed in 2009 to the Court Orders, Hearing Notices, initial Settlement Agreements, and finally, the completed Settlement Agreement that was approved by the Judge on December 5, 2011. This section will be updated until the case ends.

View the Jensen Docket Document Index >>

Olmstead Plan Official Website and Documents

 The Olmstead Plan was a provision of the Jensen Settlement Agreement. The Olmstead Plan official website is maintained by the Olmstead Implementation Office.

This website features an ARCHIVE section with documents dating from 2013 including the various versions of the Olmstead Plan; status reports to the Court; meeting agendas, minutes and packets of materials; workplan documents; and summaries from public listening sessions. 

 This website also features a DOCUMENTS AND RESOURCES section. The Documents section includes the Executive Order signed by Governor Dayton in 2015, meeting agendas, minutes and packets of materials; Olmstead plan documents; quarterly reports to the Court and the Quality of Life assessment report.

Go to the Olmstead Plan Official Web Site >>

The Minnesota Olmstead Plan from 2012-2022: Achievements from the First Decade of Planning and Implementation

The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities is pleased to announce release of a new publication celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the first Olmstead Planning Committee efforts.

The Jensen settlement agreement was approved in December 2011 and required appointment of an Olmstead Planning Committee in 2012.

The Planning Committee met and recommended to then-DHS Commissioner Lucinda Jesson that the Governor consider appointing an Olmstead Subcabinet. Governor Dayton signed Executive Order 13-01 appointing the first Olmstead Subcabinet.

This report provides a 10 year summary of achievements and is based upon review of Olmstead reports and interviews with key informants.


The Minnesota Olmstead Plan. Achievements from the first decade of planning and implementation 2012-2022.

Olmstead Plan Chronology

July 1, 2019

The Olmstead Plan Chronology traces Minnesota's Olmstead Plan – how it was created and how it has been implemented – and was first produced with Legacy Grant funds appropriated by the 2017 Minnesota Legislature.

The Chronology begins with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, followed by the United States Supreme Court decision, Olmstead v L.C. in 1999. The Chronology then picks up with the Jensen Settlement Agreement approved by the United States District, District of Minnesota, in December 2011.

The first Olmstead committee began in 2012. Governor Dayton then issued Executive Order 13-01 on January 28, 2013 and appointed a Subcabinet.

The Chronology summarizes, on a monthly basis, the actions taken, the reports that were prepared, the multiple versions of the Olmstead Plan, and the Court orders.

Go to the Olmstead Plan Chronology >>

Download the PDF version (02-03-23) >>

Assorted Olmstead Documents

Multiple sources of information were used in drafting the Olmstead Plan. These documents date back to 2000 and earlier, and are placed in chronological order. The sources include federal agencies, national associations, foundations, petitions, report cards, and state resources. Because the Minnesota Olmstead Plan covers a wide range of topics these assorted document also cover several topics such as employment, the ADA, abuse, and quality of life issues.

View the Assorted Olmstead Document Index >>

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