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Corrections Security CaseWorker - Willow River/Moose Lake


Corrections Security Caseworker

Open to Upper-level Undergraduate Students


MCF Moose Lake is a medium security facility that houses 800 adult male offenders. Offenders are involved in either work or educational programming. Industry programs offered include garment manufacturing, woodworking, and a print shop. There is a complete educational program for offenders ranging from literacy to GED preparation through vocational and college programs.

Challenge Incarceration Program (CIP) is a Minimum-security boot camp style program. It is an early-release program for non-violent drug and property offenders in the State of Minnesota. This specialized program incorporates a wide variety of components, which include cognitive skills classes, education, chemical dependency groups, transitional programming, squad meetings, physical training, and work crews. The CIP program houses a total of 80 offenders, which include 72 males and 8 females. The program has 3 separate phases, each lasting a minimum of 6 months; a boot camp phase and 2 intensive community supervision phases.

Internship Description

The intern will obtain knowledge and understanding of how the criminal justice system works in general, specifically related to the area of corrections. The intern will complete initial inmate assessments. Observe and report inmate behavior. Prepare inmate release plans. Identify inmate classification level. Investigate inmate incompatibility issues. Participate in review of inmates programming needs. Complete written reports regarding inmate's participation in facility programming. Learn facilities security procedures.


Interns will be supervised by a Corrections Security Caseworker.


Interns must be currently enrolled in an accredited college or university in a program, which offers course credit for internships. Applicants should have completed introductory course work in criminal justice, criminology, corrections, psychology, sociology, social work or related field. Intern must clear a security background check and follow department policies and procedures.

Length of Internship

Negotiable and flexible schedule, minimum 400 hours required.

Application deadline date:

  • July 15 for Fall session
  • October 15 for Winter session
  • February 15 for Summer session


Applications will not be accepted after these dates.

This internship is unpaid.

Click hereto apply

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