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Meeting Virtually with Your Agent

You may be asked to attend Zoom meetings from time to time to meet using video. This meeting method has several benefits and has been found to:

  • Cut down on transportation issues
  • Reduce difficulties with meeting when there are health-related issues
  • Cut down on chance of exposure to COVID-19
  • Save on travel time
  • Allow for agents to meet and discuss with your support system
  • Facilitate electronic interventions
  • Allow for impromptu meeting when the need arises
There are a few things to know about Zoom:

Prior to a Zoom meeting:

·        Discuss with your agent how we might communicate with you.

o   Your agent may ask what equipment you may have.

§  Smartphone? Apple or Android? Texting capability? Which carrier? Access to the Internet through WiFi or data plan? What speed internet do you have?

§  Computer with webcam or laptop with internet?

o   This information is used to determine if we text you reminders, updates or meeting notices from our systems.

·        Test your sound and video clarity

o   It is suggested for privacy and call clarity reasons, that earbuds or headphones be used when possible.

o   To test the internet connection and sound on your phone or computer, click on the link Join a Test Meeting - Zoom

§  For more information on joining and setting up your audio and video, please review this short video How to Configure Your Zoom Meeting Audio/Video - YouTube

During a Zoom meeting:

·        To join, simply click on the meeting link sent to you.

o   This will come either as a text or as an email and may be scheduled or unscheduled. For more information on meeting scheduling, speak to your agent directly.

o   You may be asked to download Zoom or If you cannot download or run the application, click the blue writing that says “join from browser”

§  For more information please review How to Join a Zoom Meeting - YouTube

·        Within a Zoom meeting

o   Share content if you want to show your agent a document

§  How to Share Your Screen in Zoom - YouTube

o   Mute or operate controls such as turn on or off video

§  How to Use Zoom Meeting Controls - YouTube

For more information, please visit Zoom Help Center or speak with your agent.

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