You may be asked to attend Zoom meetings from time to time to meet using video. This meeting method has several benefits and has been found to:
· Discuss with your agent how we might communicate with you.
o Your agent may ask what equipment you may have.
§ Smartphone? Apple or Android? Texting capability? Which carrier? Access to the Internet through WiFi or data plan? What speed internet do you have?
§ Computer with webcam or laptop with internet?
o This information is used to determine if we text you reminders, updates or meeting notices from our systems.
· Test your sound and video clarity
o It is suggested for privacy and call clarity reasons, that earbuds or headphones be used when possible.
o To test the internet connection and sound on your phone or computer, click on the link Join a Test Meeting - Zoom
§ For more information on joining and setting up your audio and video, please review this short video How to Configure Your Zoom Meeting Audio/Video - YouTube
· To join, simply click on the meeting link sent to you.
o This will come either as a text or as an email and may be scheduled or unscheduled. For more information on meeting scheduling, speak to your agent directly.
o You may be asked to download Zoom or If you cannot download or run the application, click the blue writing that says “join from browser”
§ For more information please review How to Join a Zoom Meeting - YouTube
· Within a Zoom meeting
o Share content if you want to show your agent a document
§ How to Share Your Screen in Zoom - YouTube
o Mute or operate controls such as turn on or off video
For more information, please visit Zoom Help Center or speak with your agent.