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Delivery Systems

Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC)

The DOC provides adult felony probation and supervised release supervision in the 53 counties that are not part of the Minnesota Community Corrections Act. State-provided services are under the direction of 17 district supervisors, three of which are intensive supervision district supervisors. The full cost is borne by the State of Minnesota. In addition to felony services, the DOC also provides juvenile and misdemeanant services to the court in 29 counties. These counties, referred to as contract counties, are billed for service costs, including agent salary and fringe benefits. Counties are reimbursed for a portion of these costs with funds appropriated by the state legislature. The DOC also provides intensive supervised release (ISR) services in 75 counties and through contracts with some CCA agencies.

Community Corrections Act (CCA)

Since its 1973 approval by the legislature, any Minnesota county or group of contiguous counties with a population exceeding 30,000 may elect to enter the CCA. Under this system, the county provides community supervision services. Funding is provided by a combination of state subsidy and county tax dollars. This system is overseen by a local Corrections Advisory Board and must submit comprehensive plans to the DOC for approval. Currently, 34 counties representing 21 jurisdictions participate in the CCA.

County Probation Officers (CPO)

CPOs work at the pleasure of the county’s chief judge and are supervised by the county’s court services director. State law allows the DOC to reimburse a portion of salary and fringe benefits of the director and CPOs with funds appropriated by the state legislature. In these counties, felony offenders are supervised by the DOC, and CPOs supervise juvenile and most adult misdemeanant offenders. There are currently 24 counties utilizing this method of correctional delivery.

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