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Minnesota Access to Communication Technology

Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (MN ACT, formerly known as the TED Program) provides a variety of adaptive phone devices to people who have difficulty using the phone. People who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing or who have a physical or speech disability often find these devices make it easier to use the phone. If you qualify, you can use the devices for free as long as you need them. Learn more on the MN ACT eligibility and application page.

Minnesota Access to Communication Technology is funded through the Department of Commerce – Telecommunications Access Minnesota (TAM) and administered by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

New devices and services

New devices and services for Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or who have a speech or physical disability are now available. The new devices and accessories bridge or enhance phone access. 

Specialists can also assist clients with the application process for discounted phone services through LifeLine and the Telephone Assistance Plan (TAP). Learn more about what is available through the links below. 

Phone access for people with hearing loss

If you have a hard time hearing on a traditional phone, Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (MN ACT) can help! MN ACT provides adaptive devices and accessories that make it easier to use the phone.

MN ACT eligibility and application forms

MN ACT provides phone devices, including amplified phones and captioned phones and other devices, that make using the phone easier.

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