Access on the phone
Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (MN ACT) provides a variety of adaptive phone devices to people who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing or who have a speech or physical disability, and find it hard to use the phone. Devices are loaned for free to those who qualify, for as long as the device is needed.
Check out our latest news
Director Dan Millikin announces an update to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Act and the division name.
Welcome to the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing State Services Division
Frequently asked questions: How do I...
- Find an ASL interpreter?
- Get financial assistance for hearing aids?
- Learn ASL?
- Find support groups?
- Find job resources?
- Find out about laws covering communication access?
- Contact State Services?
We are here to help!
Download our brochure in English, Hmong, Somali, Spanish and large print format.