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About community-based grants

Our grant partners provide specialized services to meet the needs of Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind or have hearing loss. Few providers have the unique skills needed to provide the culturally affirmative and linguistically accessible services required by the populations we serve. To support and sustain the providers, we work closely with our grantees. We appreciate all our grantees do to support Minnesotans who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing.

Grant contracts are effective for two years with the possible extension of additional year(s), up to five years. Funding extensions are based on satisfactory performance by grantee(s).

If you are interested in applying for Department of Human Services grant opportunities, Request For Proposal (RFP) announcements are published on the Open grants, RFPs and RFIs webpage. You can find other grant opportunities for other agencies through the State Grants page. Grant opportunities are also published in the Minnesota State Register weekly.

Deafblind Consumer Directed Services and Technology and Training Access Program

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About the grant

This grant supports consumer-directed programs offering services, technology and training access to Minnesotans who are deafblind or have combined hearing and vision loss.

The goals of this project are to:

  • Provide services and supports for Minnesotans who are deafblind so they can:
    • Maintain their independence.
    • Become more self-sufficient.
    • Participate in their communities.
  • Provide technology and training access:
    • For adults who are deafblind.
    • For children who are deafblind and their families.
    • Using a consumer-directed design.

Grant details

Grant period: July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025
Grant amount: $438,000 per fiscal year
Grant recipient name: A New Direction, Inc. DBA Consumer Directions


For more information about grant services, you may contact Christy Leach, or visit A New Direction's website.

If you have other questions, please contact us.

Past awards

Grant period: April 6, 2018-June 30 2022
Grant amount: $438,000 per fiscal year
Grant recipient: Consumer Directions, Inc.

Grant period: July 1, 2014-June 30, 2018
Grant amount: $770,359
Grant recipient name: Consumer Directions, Inc.



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