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Municipal Boundary Adjustments

Municipal Boundary Adjustments

The boundaries of Minnesota's cities and towns are legally adjusted by the Office of Administrative Hearings in cases involving the creation, annexation, detachment, or consolidation of municipalities. Minnesota's boundary adjustment law is found at Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 414.

Municipal boundary adjustment requests originate from property owners, cities or townships.  All adjustment requests affect local governments. The Municipal Boundary Adjustment Unit works with petitioners and local governments to make the most efficient use of available resources in municipal boundary adjustment matters by providing:

  • Assistance in understanding boundary change and incorporation statutes;
  • Information on the various statutory factors to be considered and procedures to be followed;
  • Identification of other data resources; and
  • Sample documents and other supporting materials to initiate or resist boundary changes or incorporation.

Please visit the Municipal Boundary Adjustment Unit website for more information.  Clicking the link will open a new window and cause you to leave the OAH website.

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